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martes, 4 de febrero de 2025

When a Moron was President!

When a Moron was President!

I will make no bones about it: The United States is in deep trouble. The Trump administration has begun in such a catastrophic manner that even a third-world dictatorship or a low-budget B movie would struggle to achieve this level of daily incompetence. The sheer magnitude of the blunders is staggering. Trump has managed to violate the Constitution multiple times in just one executive order—a truly impressive feat, if one were judging based on the speed at which democracy can be dismantled.

I told you about the cost of immigration policies driven by ignorance and xenophobia. I designed an immigration plan that would bring in revenue instead of squandering untold billions on mass deportations and ill-conceived border walls. But, of course, such rational thinking is unwelcome in the land of the free only for white people, and the land of the brave but with senators that run as chickens at the mere mention of Trump. Common sense in the United States is a luxury and is quickly going the way of Ding Dong. If Trump’s style of governance continues, the U.S. will become an international punchline. I can already imagine the future books titled: When a Moron Was President.

Who announces 25% tariffs against allies without first checking a dictionary for the definition of “tariffs and allies”? And then, when those allies retaliate with their own tariffs (his favorite word in the whole wide world), he suddenly understands what he has done, tucks his tail between his legs, and declares victory after being exposed as a moron. At this pace, we’re on track for civil war by June 2025, nuclear war by 2026, and complete annihilation shortly thereafter—unless Congress finds the courage to remove this incompetent madman from the White House.

I must sound the alarm, though I am aware that my warnings are mostly ignored. Americans, it seems, are too cowardly or too stupid to act. And so, I shift my focus to Latin American countries: if they wish to survive, they must unite and sever their economic dependence on the U.S.

I will no longer refer to the Antichrist by his name. By now, everyone knows who he is. This pathological liar has convinced a nation that it is the victim of Latin American exploitation. The reality? The U.S. is a nation where 54% of the population is functionally illiterate, gullible enough to elect a corrupt, narcissistic, megalomaniacal, sociopathic conman who snorts Adderall like it’s an Olympic sport. And this man, this bloated husk of ignorance, claims that Latin America has been taking advantage of the U.S.? Is he insane, or just monumentally stupid?

To understand how we got here, we must go back to the economic maneuverings that set the stage for today’s mess. After World War II, a new financial order was established through the Bretton Woods system. The IMF was created to stabilize exchange rates, which were initially pegged to gold. However, the U.S. abandoned these principles in 1971 when Nixon detached the dollar from gold and tied it to oil instead, birthing the petrodollar. But the real betrayal came in 2008, when quantitative easing turned the dollar into glorified monopoly money.

Why, then, do Latin American nations still obey the IMF? It is time for these nations to file massive lawsuits for the economic sabotage inflicted upon them. Consider Ecuador: through a series of financial manipulations, its national debt was engineered to be repaid multiple times over. When Ecuador borrowed money under its former currency, the sucre, the U.S. and IMF played their usual game—allowing the sucre to devalue so that Ecuador’s debt quadrupled overnight. By 2000, the country was forced to adopt the dollar at a rate of 25,000 sucres to one dollar, when in 1981 was 25 sucres per $1 dollar. This wasn’t just economic exploitation; it was financial warfare. And yet, Trump has the audacity to claim Latin nations are taking advantage of the United States? The irony is as thick as the man’s skull.

The petrodollar system ensured that every country needed dollars to purchase oil, giving the U.S. a free pass to print currency without facing inflationary consequences—because the rest of the world was forced to absorb the excess dollars. Through political distractions like Watergate, Americans were too busy watching the circus to notice their government was restructuring global power in its favor. But now, the con job is beyond belief. The Federal Reserve, a private cartel masquerading as a public institution, is neither federal nor a reserve. It has been prohibited from international business, yet it continues to manipulate global economies.

And now, with cryptocurrency allowing anyone to print digital dollars on demand, the dilution of the dollar is running faster than Melania from Donald, the system is eating itself alive. The U.S. is inflating multiple financial bubbles, set to burst spectacularly. Ecuador, for instance, has been reduced to charging a meager 3% royalty on its gold exports while being forced to pay a 12% interest rate on the US Dollar+8% interest on bonds to get dollars and 3%-5% to place those bonds, On top of that has to pay 8% on loans,  it never should have needed in the first place. This pattern repeats across Latin America and the moron thinks that is taking advantage of the United States?

Yet Americans continue to live in the fantasy that their currency is the pinnacle of stability. The only thing holding the system together is mass ignorance and global inertia. But as Latin nations wake up, they must prepare to abandon this rigged game before the entire house of cards collapses. Latin nations hold real wealth because they have mountains of gold, silver, copper, and lithium and they can live happily ever after eating mangos and bananas and fucking as Trump never will with the Slovenian import. The world doesn’t need the dollar. The dollar needs the world. And once that realization sinks in, the con is over.

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