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miércoles, 17 de abril de 2019

The Cuban Truth, The Biggest Lie

Cuba has always been under the absolute control of the United States. In a very interesting book "The Big Cuban Lie", the truth of how Batista was chosen, trained and managed by a financial elite driving the destinies of Cuba was exposed. By 1958, the Soviet Union began an expansion of communism that would lead to the inevitable confrontation with America for the supremacy of the world.  The CIA needed to create a spy who on the one hand could be isolated from the world and could be monitored and controlled while becoming a member of the expansionist plan of the USSR to keep the USA well informed of any plan and maintain absolute control of everything and every Communist in Latin America. The best way was to create a communist leader to serve America's interests. The only way to do that was to invent a communist who opposes capitalism. 

The experiment in Cuba in 1959 needs to be recreated now that Fidel Castro has died.

Making an analysis of how Fidel Castro was consolidated as the great Cuban leader is worth of a fictional novel. It is truly impressive that Castro managed to keep nearly sixty years of power, serving foreign interests. But once the truth is discovered it is impossible to escape the reality that Castro has been the best secret agent in the history of espionage.

The inconsistencies and contradictions are so great that Fidel Castro can be called a riddle wrapped in an enigma. It is so unbelievable that it defies logic, but let us try to answer those questions:


 How is it possible that the son of a wealthy landowner, educated in Jesuit College became a communist? 

 How is it that a wealthy Cuban lawyer, married to a wealthy family and who lived for a while in the United States became a revolutionary? 

 How is it that someone who has lived a privileged life can even understand the struggle of the Cuban people?

 How is it that among his friends, before the Cuban Revolution, were the CIA agent William Wieland, who financed the trip of Fidel Castro and his homosexual friend Guevara (not the Ché Guevara and there is no family relationship) to Bogotazo in Colombia in 1958?

 How come there is no record where Fidel Castro lived and what he did when he lived in New York for a year and a half? But It's known that he knew Rockefeller.

 How is it possible that the United States was the first to recognized Fidel Castro as Cuba's new leader on January 7, 1959, even before Castro arrived back to Havana?

 How is it possible that the head of the CIA in Cuba has been Pro-Castro and had provided U.S. aid to Castro with deliveries of arms, and preventing the American Congress to take action against Castro?

 How is it possible that the NYT, through Herbert Matthews, had written and reported so extensively about Fidel Castro?

According to data declassified in both the United States and the USSR, it is now known that the KGB itself had serious doubts that Fidel Castro was a communist because they had no knowledge of Fidel and the Communist Party of Cuba had opposed Castro. So, they suspected that Fidel was a spy because he did not "comply with the standard process of trust".

Russian suspicions were based on October 12, 1948, while still a student at the University of Havana, he married Mirtha Díaz Balart. A few months of his graduation, Castro travelled with his wife to New York where there are no data about where he resided, lived or what he did in all that time.  Castro has never talked about his time living in the United States. That’s why is very possibly the CIA invented the rumour that Castro was a baseball player for an American team, but there is no record anywhere to indicate that was true. All these years, no one including their family and friends has been able to account for that time in Castro's life. Stranger still, because it is the only period in the life of Castro, who throughout his life had been characterized by attracting attention and lived from the admiration of others, that at that time, had done absolutely nothing, to the point that there is no trace or record of his life at that time.

In analyzing the recognition of the Government of Castro by the United States is irreconcilable that they have done such a thing. As the government of Batista fell on January 1, 1959, and the same U.S. ambassador in Cuba, Earl T. Smith, a personal friend of John F. Kennedy, had questioned the reasons why there was "trouble in recognizing Castro" as the new leader of Cuba. Even before the United States Congress, Smith had accused CIA agents of helping, contributing and sponsoring Castro as they had supplied fifty thousand dollars (the equivalent of almost $500,000 today) to Fidel's men in Santiago de Cuba and had delivered weapons and ammunition to Castro in the Sierra Maestra mountains, through International Armaments Corporation, a corporation created by Samuel Cummings, a former CIA operative. 

The United States recognized the new government of Castro when its leader was not even in Havana yet, but the government was not in itself operating yet. Indeed, throughout history, the United States has recognized other governments; Only when other Latin American governments have recognized that government and when it has received assurances that the new government will comply with international obligations and bilateral agreements. In the case of Castro, the United States recognized him in absentia.

The U.S. Ambassador Smith commented in his memoirs that, during his mission in Havana, CIA assistance to Castro was so evident that he was jokingly calling the station's head at the "fidelist" embassy. Under Oath and in testimony before the Congress on August 30, 1960, Smith claimed that the CIA helped, cooperated and financed Castro. Likewise, it was the CIA who was encouraging and promoting revolts of naval officers from Cuba against Batista. The Ambassador not only accused, but held the State Department responsible for promoting several journalists, several members of Congress, and CIA operatives in helping Castro to achieve power.

Similarly, in an analysis of KGB agents regarding the failed invasion of April 7, 1961, they came to the conclusion that the CIA operation was carried out to destroy the opposition of 1.400 Cuban exiles. In other words, the CIA conducted an operation to eliminate any Cubans willing to oppose Castro in the United States. According to certain details of these findings, it was believed that the CIA's operation was destined to get rid of those people who could create serious opposition to Castro because they could become a vociferous force in Miami and could draw world attention to the Cuban project named “Funnel/embudo”. KGB counterinsurgency analysts were extremely upset but incredulous, their superiors decided to maintain relations with Castro.

The KGB Analysis concluded that the operation had to have been created for failure, analysts based their conclusions due to the fact that the weapons that were provided to the Brigade 2506 of Cuban exiles were of thirty different types of ammunition. They were all in a single vessel that was the first to sink.  The Air transport was obsolete, the ships and boats were totally decrepit under the pretext that it was "so that nobody realizes that they had been supplied by the United States", although such a thing was impossible to hide because everyone knew that the Cuban Exiles were coming and training from the United States. The same concept that 1.400 men could gain control of a country of seven million inhabitants and confront an army of more than 400.000 men that Castro claimed to have in 1960 is an absolute impossible plan.

There is much more likely that the operation was rather to benefit Castro, according to the KGB analysis of the operation, mentioning specifically that "in the event that the invasion failed, the only one to benefit could be Castro's, as he could get prestige and strength for having defeated an attempt by the United States”. Under Secretary Chester Bowles himself had questioned Secretary of State Rusk that the operation seemed designed and planned to fail, which could only be contrary to the objective of the operation and the only reason could have been to make Castro prestigious.

The declassified documents of the CIA allow verifying that in 1960 Richard M. Bissell, Jr., as deputy director of the CIA was responsible for the United Front of Cuban exiles Cubans with anti-Castro inclinations. They had formed “The Cuban Revolutionary Council" based in the United States and coordinated the actions of more than 100 anti-Castro organizations. All together with the leaders of the invasion, were held on a military base in Florida, without any communication for several days prior to the invasion, no one was informed, or were allowed to communicate off-base during the operation, and were informed only after the invasion had failed, preventing any contact between the exiles and the people in Cuba. In this way, it was impossible for anyone to alert any anti-Castro forces in Cuba to take action to support the so-called Bay of Pigs invasion.

Oddly, the book published in 1960 by John F. Kennedy, "The Strategy for Peace" compared Castro's revolution to the American Revolution, further alluding to the legacy of Simón Bolívar. It Is very interesting that even now the CIA pretends that Kennedy wanted to destroy Castro when in his book shows admiration and his actions did everything possible for Castro to succeed.

Looking at the sequence of events is too clear and obvious that without the actions of the United States, Castro would never have gained legitimacy or credibility. Not only did the invasion help create a positive image of Castro, but at the same time, it completely destroyed the anti-Castro movement, both in Cuba and in the United States. It Is thanks to the invasion that Castro was able to neutralize the opposition and it neutralized the voices that most opposed Castro. Oddly, Castro’s brothers in law, such as Mario Diaz Balart became a U.S. congressman and now his two sons, Mario Diaz Balart, Son and Lincoln Diaz Balart, are U.S. congressmen.

Soviet intelligence analysts knew that neither Yankee Imperialism nor Fidel Castro's economic conditions could be the causes and reasons for Fidel Castro's supposed communist sentiment. Stranger still was the fact that the same Communist Party of Cuba never opposed the Batista government and rather opposed guerrilla forces like Castro's. The question to the riddle is how a country where the Communist Party opposed "the Revolution", could have gained power by using the revolution.

In one of the greatest inconsistencies in history, Fidel Castro remained for over 50 years in a constant confrontation with the most powerful country in the world. While there have been more than 10.000 CIA operations per year in Latin American, Caribbean, African, Asian governments have been falling to the liking and disgust of the CIA. Castro has remained unmovable without personal consequences. It Is the Cuban people who have been affected.  While books and articles have alleged CIA operations, they quietly always disappeared, and while the CIA has left no border untouched in the Latin counties, and there was never a problem too expensive or complicated to budget an operation, or has never encountered military obstacles to effect Operations in Cuba having one of its most secret bases in Guantánamo, yet they have never done anything against Castro. 

I have no doubt that Fidel Castro was trained as an agent, and that he has always been a secret agent of the CIA. Fidel Castro is perhaps the best and most effective spy agent in the history of the world. Castro was a Trojan horse. Now, the CIA wants to keep Cuba as a centre of instability, but unless the United States is filled with incompetent people, they should bring out the truth. Europeans countries and Latin American nations should wake up to the stupidity that a Zionist Jew like Castro could still be commanding despair all over the continents from the grave.

E. Howard Hunt, The Last Confession of E. Howard Hunt by Erik Hedegaard. And Tarpley http://www.tarpley.net/bush8b.htm very clearly involve George H.W. Bush as one of the axes of several world events. It is certainly amazing to see the possibility that George Bush was involved in the invasion of the Bay of Pigs, the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the robbery of Watergate, the attack on President Ronald Reagan, the sale of drugs and purchase of the illegal weapons in the Iran-Contra affair.

As PNAC promulgates, it is necessary to create the perfect pretext to maintain the military power of the United States. As the story of the Contras in Nicaragua was invented as the possible invasion of the Sandinistas to the United States. An absurdity bordering in stupidity was claimed and the United States media never challenger the impossibility of such thing happening.

The perfect American spy Fidel Castro would have been the first to know of any Soviet plan of attack on The United States. That Is precisely why Castro maintained constant contact with all the leftists in Latin America. It Is precisely why Castro who commanded over an impoverished nation, somehow was able to manage, transfer, and finance socialist and communist organizations all over the world. While at the same time his people were dying of hunger. The only possible answer was because he continued to work for the CIA since 1960 because thanks to Castro they have the names of every subversive group, of any socialist plan, of any group that opposes the will of the United States.

All this was complemented by all the data and information collected by Operation Condor and similar operations in all Latin American countries. The evidence shows that socialism, communism, and Marxism has never succeeded because it serves the interests of the global oligarchy.

In the last 20 years, people have heard of Socialism XXI, but in reality, it was born as Project Camelot, it was implemented and the triumph as Socialism XXI. But everything follows exactly what the Pentagon and the social engineers of Harvard, Yale and Columbia University designed together with the CIA in 1964; to create a socialist state to eventually create civil war in their countries and between countries, and then manufacture the social and economic collapse, which cannot give another result but poverty and misery of the people, then it will be the United States to appear as a great friend, the great assistant who will give us the solutions. The New Democracy, the new privatizations, the new openings of the market, the new neoliberalism.

Every Leftist plan was a total failure until the Trojan horse of Hugo Chávez appeared. When Castro was coming to the twilight of his life, he needed to be replaced by someone of the same type of personality. Hugo Chavez and Rafael Correa were exact parallels. From 6 letters in their names; The same centering personality, the same megalomania, the same admiration for Mussolini; The same ambitions to be leaders of their countries for a long time; The same phobias, complexes and psychological traumas of not being recognized as the great eminences they believe to be; The same ability to memorize things; The same ability to seduce people with their charisma and speech (although this is the product of the CIA's propagandistic apparatus). But Hugo Chavez made a huge mistake that the world elites could not allow. He said on international TV that “those who control humanity, are not humans, Chavez is a human, whatever you may say. I am human, the powerful elites are not humans.” Rafael Correa proved to have such narcist personality that they feared he could not be contained and he was removed.

History is changed, and how we are told what to think and how public opinion is manipulated, the missile event in Cuba serves as an example. In the United States, this event is talked about as a heroic moment by Kennedy for avoiding "the end of the world and the first nuclear confrontation." But by reading the following letters it can be clearly seen that Castro had sent letters to Khrushchev on October 26, not only suggesting that the USSR should attack the United States, but as can be seen in the Soviet leader's response, the last thing Khrushchev wanted was a nuclear war, or the destruction of Cuba and its people, in what Khrushchev himself tells him, is something opposed to the beliefs of socialism and even Marxist ideology. 

Letter from Fidel Castro:

... If the imperialists invade Cuba with the aim of occupying it, the danger that this policy of aggression poses against humanity is so great that following that event, the Soviet Union should never allow that in those circumstances the imperialists launch the first Nuclear strike./I tell you this because I believe that imperialist aggression is extremely dangerous and if they actually attack and invade Cuba in violation of international law and morals, that would be the time to eliminate that danger forever through a clear act and legitimate defence, no matter how serious and terrible the solution is, because there is no other. 

Khrushchev's response to Castro on October 30 says:

In your October 27 cable, you propose that we shall be the ones who launch the first nuclear attack against the enemy's territory. You, of course, must realize where that would lead. Before a simple attack, it would be the beginning of a thermonuclear World War.  Dear Comrade Fidel Castro: I consider this proposal incorrect, although I understand your motivation. We have lived through the most serious moment where a nuclear War could have begun. Obviously, in that case, the Us would have sustained huge losses, but the Soviet Union and the entire socialist camp would have suffered greatly. As for Cuba, it is difficult to say in general terms what this would mean to them. In the first place, Cuba would have been burned in the fire of War. There is No doubt that the Cuban people would have fought valiantly or that they would have died heroically. But we are not fighting imperialism to die, but to take advantage of all our possibilities, to lose less in the struggle and to gain more to cope and achieve the triumph of communism.

There can be no doubt that despite the totalitarian character of the Soviet government, Khrushchev's essential argument is clearly the opposition to War as an instrument of struggle against the American empire. There can be no doubt that the Soviet leader is rather reprimanding Castro and making it clear that "one must be ready to die for the country, but not let the country die for me." 

Castro, however, answers to Khruschev thus:

I did not suggest, Comrade Khrushchev, that in the midst of the crisis the Soviet Union should attack, which is what your letter seems to say; Rather, following an imperialist attack, the USSR should attack without hesitation and should never make the mistake of allowing the circumstances to develop so that the enemy will attack with nuclear bombs first against the USSR. In that sense, Comrade Khrushchev, I keep my point of view, because I understand that it is the truth and a fair assessment of the specific situation. You can convince me I'm wrong, but you can't tell me I'm wrong without convincing me. 

In the United States There is a term that says that everyone likes to play the "Monday quarterback" that is, after everything has happened, he likes to guess.

But in the case of Fidel Castro Ruz I consider that by enumerating his achievements it is proved that he was and always had been a secret undercover agent of the United States that managed to infiltrate the Soviet Union:

He Persuaded the USSR to build the missile base that promoted the Russians to make mistakes. After the enormous expense of building the missiles, before they put on their launching platforms and the same day of being transported, very convenient was photographed by the CIA.

Cuba received subsidies for oil, gas, metals, aluminium and various resources as an incentive to promote communism.

Cuba received armaments, military training, training for thousands of physicians and professionals in all sciences financed entirely by the Soviet Union.

Castro infiltrated and maintained contact, planning, logistics and intelligence exchange with any leftist group, communist, Marxist, subversive of all Latin American countries, thus ensuring their eventual destruction.

Castro infiltrated several communist groups and African terrorists. Almost without exception, a short time after the Cuban presence in African countries, all revolutionaries were destroyed.

Castro guaranteed the destruction of the Sandinismo because the CIA always had knowledge of the type of weapons, the amount of ammunition, the strategies that the Sandinistas tried.

Castro maintained contacts, arms sales, and logistics strategy with the FARC of Colombia, ensuring that they have weapons and remain a destructive element of society, but always in the inability to do something meaningful.

Castro helped finance Chavez initially, and now the Bolivarian movement. But if you follow the money you realize that the only ones to gain were the CIA and the United States.

We now know who the New Puppet is by Germanico Vaca

There has been an undeclared war going on in the continents of America since 1913. The year that the elite bankers of the world manage to grab control of the financial destiny of the United States. The owners of the world conglomerates and the multinational companies now could dream of a New World Order. Americans became since then their slaves. Beginning with the dollar itself. After all, they pay 12% of each dollar to the FED which is neither Federal nor has any reserves. The FED is owned by an independent corporation that does not pay taxes. Since then, Americans send their kids to die and pay for all the wars of the powerful bankers and owner of the conglomerates.

105 years later the world is on the brink of economic collapse due to the massive debt created by the Ponzi scheme of the US Federal Note, known as the United States dollar. We are literally counting the days to the inevitable economic collapse of the world. Trump has increased the debt by 26.2 trillion dollars and conveniently he has hidden it in the unfunded liabilities. Trump has literally bankrupted the USA. Somehow the world is too stupid to see it.

The movie “1984” by George Orwell described a world controlled by high tech surveillance. Everything humans do now is under the watchful eye of big brother. But of course, it’s not the United States of America. It’s the powerful elite and the shadow government of the entities that control humanity.

 The puppets that govern the majority of nations have been carefully selected to carry on the show of dystopia that makes most people believe that there is a democracy, that ideologies and economic prosperity will be reached if they only make the right choice. It is all a lie. Because the reality is that whoever you chose the end result will be the same

Every single human being on the planet is being manipulated and yet everyone hopes that truth and prosperity will be reached by their decisions and their opinions. But unfortunately, everyone’s intentions, plans, projects and hopes are being monitored, controlled and manipulated by the powerful elite that owns the tools of communication. Literally, there is nothing anyone can do without Google, Facebook, and so many other social networks. But every single one of them is owned by powerful entities. In fact, there is little difference between who controls Google and the NSA, CIA, MI6, MI5, Mossad and the most powerful TV networks, Entertainment networks and the great joke is that they all make money from you; the socialists, the Democrats, the Republicans and the idiots.

Along came Julian Assange with a revolutionary idea, to use the powerful elite’s technology of world control to create a mirror that people could see the bestiality, the abuse, the criminal enterprise that had no boundaries, exceptions and limitations in their quest to control humanity.

Of course, that made of Julian Assange the target of the intelligence services all around the world. So, Julian Assange could be a saint and it would not mean a thing. The intelligence services are the experts of deception, lying and spying. There is nothing that Assange or @Wikileaks can do to erase the narrative that Assange is a criminal. They have created such confusion that no one in the world now can be sure if they can believe or trust Julian Assange.

But the reality is only one. If you are not part of the 1% of the powerful elite families and entities that control the world, then you are part of the 99% of people that Julian Assange wanted to warn that we are nothing but paws of their games. But humanity is too coward and too stupid to see that we should take down the 1% of savage manipulators of humanity.

Julian Assange was kept prisoner on a tiny “apartment” that is nevertheless named the “Embassy of Ecuador”. In one of the most shameful chapters for the government of Ecuador. First the puppet of the elite Rafael Correa pretending he was the defender of human rights, provided asylum to Julian Assange when in reality he wanted to stop the leaks about his corruption, while he became a dictator in Ecuador. Now, the new puppet of the Illuminati monetary Fund, Lenin Moreno has used Assange again to portrait himself as the defender of freedom of speech, when is quite the opposite.

The Ecuadorian government themselves described how they did not even take personnel of their own army or military or police forces, but they paid a Spanish company to spy, monitor and check every move of Assange. Video and listening devices were installed and later that same company wanted to be paid over three million dollars not to publish the data that should be the property of Ecuador. Yet in one of the most astonishing demonstrations of incompetence, the Ecuadorian government has not even filed lawsuits against that Spanish company, which they hired, and is now making money selling data that was literally “stolen property” of Ecuador, because Ecuador paid and should be the property of the Ecuadorian government. Perhaps they were too busy basking on the news that they had to surrender Assange to big brother.

Trump’s first CIA director and now US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo made clear that “@WikiLeaks” was going to be placed out of commission the very first day that he took the job. He cited them specifically as a priority to regain control of spying on everyone.

The world, of course, is easily manipulated and the powerful forces that control the world have managed to make Assange into a rapist, although he never raped any woman and even the charges are very clear that the women had consensual sex with him.

In the end, no argument matters. The NSA, CIA and every intelligence service wanted Assange in a high-security prison. They all wanted to send a clear message to the rest of the world. No one should dare contradict the states.

WikiLeaks can be argued is nothing more than a digital pool of information where whistle-blowers could dump whatever information they believe is in the public interest to decry the crimes and corruption of their own governments. But the spy agencies have manipulated the facts so that people now want to make WikiLeaks responsible for not leaking more embarrassing things of Russia and other governments. As if somehow was not enough to have the west intelligence services against them, somehow Assange is guilty, according to some, not to make Putin a bigger foe. Even the argument is beyond stupidity.

Whistle-blowers must continue to reveal nefarious behaviour that governments, armies, and corporations would prefer to keep hidden. Julian Assange is guilty of trying to save the world of the Police States, of the high-tech surveillance and the control of the elites over the world. In the process what is abundantly clear is that Lenin Moreno was well trained as a puppet of the world Elite and we could see at least 70% of Ecuadorian public companies, soon will be sold for pennies on the dollars to the multinational companies. So much for freedom, so much for democracy. Phase one of the evil plan of the cabal took place with ten years of corruption and debt creation by Correa. Now phase two is dismantling the country. Yet the naivete and ignorance of the banana republic citizens have even the ignorant reporters working as cheerleaders of the powerful elite. Assange is now the sacrificial lamb of the non-declared “New Santa Inquisition”. Now they will not lynch withes and warlock, infidels and unbeliever of God. Now the crime is to let the world know how nefarious their governments sometimes are.

domingo, 14 de abril de 2019


The National Security Agency has a program of mass surveillance of innocent Americans’ phone calls. But much more massive is the surveillance of the rest of the world where text, videos, pictures and all cell phone conversations are grabbed by the agency. All the exchange in social networks is being used by the NSA and CIA to keep tabs on everyone by placing all that information through their analytical grinder. Of course, all is done under the pretext of National Security of the United States of America. But in the process, the agency gives themselves the right to steal financial records, inventions and information that is used to negotiate deals where the United States already knows exactly what the other countries expect. There was a big problem. Assange. The Australian hacker has cost them millions of dollars by blowing the whistle on their projects, their software and their methods. The agency wanted him to pay and they wanted him removed from the Ecuadorian agency and they will use him as an example to the world, to hackers and anyone who opposes the will of the mighty spy agency. The purpose is clear so that no one ever again will dare to go against the wishes of the United States of America. Now they can restart the mass surveillance on everyone, and Donald Trump could not be happier.

Unbeknown to the world things are already happening after the arrest of Julian Assange. The Ecuadorian government is known around the world for avoiding prosecution of their extremely corrupt government officials, suddenly within 48 hours of having turned in Julian Assange to British authorities had requested the arrest of Ricardo Patiño, the Minister of International Relations that have being the person to suggest to Rafael Correa to provide Assange with political asylum. They also requested political impeachment of the Minister of International Relations that had provided Julian Assange citizenship. The disinformation campaign and character assassination of Julian Assange are massive. Following standard arrest procedure of the CIA, they release information claiming that Julian Assange had covered the walls of the Ecuadorian Embassy with faeces. The trouble with that is that a TV station of Ecuador had been ready to interview the Ambassador only a couple of hours after Assange was kicked out and if there was anything to appreciate in the video of the entire facilities was to see al spotless white walls. The actions against everyone involved in aiding and abetting Julian Assange were immediate in all the fronts. Rafael Correa, the ex-president that had given asylum to Julian Assange found himself unable to open his Facebook page as the social network company had cancelled his account. Now the agency is going to take their revenge in everyone that helped and supported Assange for years. Now the agency can move forward in gathering all kinds of information on everyone inside and outside the United States.

Of course, there are always those that are more than willing to sell their soul for money and have joined the singing choir of accusing Julian Assange of being a beastly criminal who had the audacity to break the law. His many crimes were the publishing of information that revealed the software and the projects in how the NSA and CIA are spying on everyone. Nobody dares to come to Julian Assange defence and on the contrary, they are claiming the NSA is being treated unfairly.

The fact is that no one is going to get the truth now. After all the NSA and CIA are the professional in lying. It is their career and their lives depend on it. So, the world is going to get some promises that the agency will behave while they will be spying on everyone by keeping a detailed log of their private phone calls, their cell phone text and whatever they deem appropriate to keep the hegemony of the United States and have more dictatorial powers for Mr Donald egomaniac Trump.

If I am correct in my assessment then this is what we are about to see:

Maria Fernanda Espinosa will be impeached and lose her position as president of the UN. The NSA and CIA will manage to make it look like the petition of the diplomatic representative of some tiny Republic who suddenly feel a call to consciousness and by miracle, they would come to realize this week that she is not fit for office. She will be returned to Ecuador to serve as the sacrificial lamb for daring to confront the mighty agency.

Ricardo Patiño, the man of the idea of providing asylum to Assange will probably face a lengthy trial to answer for whatever charges they can put together in Ecuador and being that they cannot prosecute him in the United States for treason, they will manage to slap some treasonous charges against the country of Ecuador itself.  If he decides to escape to another country. I will not be surprised if Ricardo Patiño does not become the victim of suicide.

Rafael Correa will finally discover that he no longer has any use for the puppet masters and all his crimes will be revealed. Soon Ecuador may find out account numbers in Europe, ownership of a network of Limited Liability Corporations and several investments where Correa has no less than 100 million dollars stashed as profits of his links to organized crime, drug tracking and money laundering.

Others involved in aiding and abetting Julian Assange should be afraid of what they will have to face.

In the United States, people ignore the facts of what really is going on and the NSA and CIA have become experts in manipulating the media and the American people by simply claiming, that all their actions are justified and supported by law. They always have in hand a sanctioned secret court rulings that stretch the words of the Constitution and under the cover of the Patriot Act beyond recognition to pretend that all is well and they can go back to work and pay faithfully their taxes and have the peace of mind that they only will spy to protect their ass. So never mind that they will expand domestic surveillance to please Donald Trump who will make sure he wins elections again, even if he has to nudge a little private information of what others are doing. If anyone complains, he will announce in twitter that all is well because it is approved by some aw that he has uncovered, allowing, of course, full powers to conduct whatever evil plan he has concocted.  

The press must be very afraid. If they prosecute Julian Assange, I do not think that The New York Times and the Washington Post are going to be able to conduct business as usual. People like Edward Snowden and Julian Assange will continue to be blamed for getting the agency in trouble over their surveillance and other rogue practices.  I truly believe that some people acting in behest for the president of the United States may even resort to eavesdropping on the cellphone conversations of their reporters and informers. Soon American companies may find that the NSA is secretly tapping into the data streams of major Internet providers. The public soon forgets that those crimes were not committed by Snowden or Assange, but by the accusers that committed them.

Other nations should do well in creating laws for restricting access to “Intelligence and Communications Technologies” in their countries.  After all the NSA and CIA are compiling a comprehensive log of phone calls, text messages but also patents, technologies and data.  This information should be kept by each nation if they are to protect their own citizens. If the United States has any suspicion then they should be forced a warrant just like everybody else.

The NSA will now go back in becoming the unrestricted vacuum-cleaner method of data gathering in the world. Assembling massive amounts of data to create the illusion that they are protecting the American people.

sábado, 6 de abril de 2019

Mr. Trump’s Wall is the epitome of STUPIDITY

Mr Trump’s Wall is the epitome of STUPIDITY

Humanity is being led like cattle and the majority of humans are not using their brains to the full extent.  Otherwise, how can you explain the populist movements in Venezuela, Ecuador, Argentina where the same insane agenda was pushed in front of everyone’s eyes and yet somehow, they ignore the facts and wanted to believe that the so-called socialism XXI was an invention of a security guard of Venezuela. We live in a world that stupid things and beliefs can be pushed so easily in the minds of people and convince them that somehow it is the right thing to do, despite the fact that it may be a stupid idea.

Humanity is so manipulated today, that although we have the facts before our eyes and we are doing things every single day that show us the real facts. Yet we choose to believe in the impossibility of things. People make a mockery of the past and of others. But we ignore reality, the true history and we are afraid of thinking.

Let us take as an example of the “big beautiful wall” that Mr Donald Trump has proposed. There are millions of people who apparently agree that it is the right thing to do. Never mind the impossibility of building such a wall in certain places of the United States border with Mexico.  Never mind the completely useless purpose. Never mind the outrageous cost when a nation is flooded in such massive debt that building a wall is nothing but the epitome of stupidity.

I am going to go back to show you how stupid the idea of the big beautiful wall is. But let us get some other facts before us.

I am going to show you the future. I am going to give you a peek into what the world will need to do. The solution is right before us. The solution is nothing short of fantastic.

The real problem that the United States is facing. The real issue before us is that the world economy is on the brink of disaster due to the massive debt that “they” have created; I will explain later who they are” and the US dollar is worth almost nothing (about 2 cents). Due to the Breton Woods agreement then most currencies are worth even less, and the massive interest being paid by everyone is causing such poverty and such misery, that if we do not do something about it, then anarchy and dark ages are into our future.

The collapse of the US economy is a mathematical fact that will happen sooner than later. The problem is that such collapse will cause all economies in the world to collapse and poverty will reign supreme. Anarchy in the entire world will be unleashed. War, famine and destruction are written in our future.

What has been happening in Venezuela has shown us what will happen in the world. People left their homes, their friends and their families and left desperately seeking a place where they could at least eat. Yet Venezuela is a very rich country. It had 280 tons of gold reserves. It has massive oil resources. It has tons of gold mines and diamonds all over the Roraima’s. So, we can expect that the same will happen worldwide when the US dollar collapse. You can erect walls all over the place and it will serve no purpose whatsoever but it will show how “stupid” humanity was.

Yet the solution is right before our eyes. I had long proposed a fast speed train to connect all nations. From Canada to Chile. From Punta del Fuego to Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro, Quito, Bogota, and every nation connected by mass transit. A fast speed train that in 4 hours will take you from Mexico to Quito and four hours from Quito to Rio de Janeiro. Imagine being crossing through fast train the entire Amazon jungle. The ability to go through the most majestic mountains of Ecuador like Chimborazo, Cotopaxi and Cayambe to the most fantastic beaches of Rio de Janeiro. Imagine being able to see the Iguazu Waterfalls that make the Niagara Falls look like child’s play to the fantastic ruins of Cuzco or Maya ruins. Tourism and commerce on a scale we can only dream about. 

All the resources of the nations working for the good of the people. Now why bother with all that? The answer is right before your eyes. China left a legacy for the world to learn and yet we are too stupid to see it now. You see China did not build a wall as people believe it is. China builds a road to communicate the whole empire. China employed thousands of people even making thousands of clay soldiers just to have people employed. To this day that road is been visited. To this day the army of clay has been an attraction for tourist. What does that tell you?

The project of building a fast speed train to connect all nations of the continent of the Americas was written by me in 2004 and it has been ignored. Yet is an all win situation for the world. Massive infrastructure building bridges, roads, electric plants powered by wind, solar, geothermal and hydraulic plants, hundreds of train stops. The massive amount of jobs. American companies leading the way. Computer systems and cars, trucks needed to build the project. Engineering and architecture firms busy with designing the most challenging train system in the world to cover three continents. All kinds of incredible terrain in the most environmental way. Banks will finance the projects and will be making money creating financial stability for all investors. Construction companies and Consulting companies. Manufacturing companies, computer companies, Electric Service providers.  Ford, GM and Chrysler will be selling cars like there is no tomorrow. The United States and every single nation will have such a massive amount of jobs that there will be no mass exodus nor an immigration problem. No need of a stupid moronic wall no matter how beautiful it may be. Latin America is so rich with resources because they have massive amounts of gold, silver, oil that they can pay for all of it and they produce the most amazing fruit, vegetables that you do not even know exist in the United States. You do not need a stupid wall.

But that is only the beginning because to solve the world economy you need to resolve the absurd stupidity of paying a massive amount of interest that the Federal Reserve collects. The majority of people do not even know that they are been ripped off because they are being charged 12 cents of every dollar by the Federal Reserve which is neither Federal nor has any reserves and is owned by a Private corporation owned by the world elite bankers. Destroy the Federal Reserve and leave their owners with the debt. We start from scratch. No more paying interest to the Federal Reserve. A true US dollar worth 100 cents and not two cents as it is the case today. The only question is are you such cowards or are you always going to be pussies commanded and led by the Jewish cabal or whatever evil demon entities manipulate the world?

But there is much more than meets the eye behind the project. Because you see the biggest continent in the world. The unexplored resources, the most unexplored frontier and the most miraculous, most unique secret is Antarctica. If the US wants any of those resources and wants a part of it, then the gateway to getting there is a fast speed train and a connection build by everyone to share. That is the future and the solution to the world.