What is coming shortly?
1. Poverty: Economic collapse.
The world must face the fact that Zionist care very little for their own brethren. So, you should have no doubts about their ability to commit the most atrocious and murderous acts.
Stalin, Lenin, Trotsky were Zionist, so was Hitler. No one can deny that many thousands of innocent Hebrew Jews; men, women, and children were slaughtered by the Cossacks in Russia and everyone knows what happened in Hitler’s Germany.
What is very important to understand is that the debt of the United States has gone beyond any possibility to save it, so economic collapse is unavoidable. Poverty will reign supreme.
2. Racial Strife.
Donald Trump was allowed to win because that way the establishment does not take the fall for what is about to happen, but they are the ones behind it all. As always, they are working from the shadows. But now that everything that they have done is about to come to an end, they have brainwashed the masses to make them believe that they have nothing to do with Trump.
The man alone has been so incredible that he has defeated them, but think about it, it makes no sense, just when they were about to collapse everything, Trump conveniently came along. It is the elite all along and Trump’s job is to destroy the unity of the American people by using the old formula, separating all minority groups and racial strife. If America – a nation of immigrants- is divided, then they will be more easily destroyed.

There is no question that Trump came to power with a ready-made formula of blaming Hispanics and Muslims. This time the Jewish people are being defended and Trump claims he will protect them 100%. The sad reality is the most so-called Jewish people are now Zionist. Only 5% of Israelis are Hebrews. While at the same time, he claims to be defending the Christians and attacking Muslims as a whole. The American population divided could not be depended upon to create the violence necessary to overthrow the powers of the elite. Women have been the sleeping minority group, who could be sparked into so-called demonstrations, while blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims can be provoked to cause rioting, looting, murder, and every other type of lawlessness - all that is necessary to incite and arouse them. Together; those minority groups, properly maneuvered, could be used to create exactly the strife to declare Marshall law and the perfect pretext to accomplish their objective. A-One World Government.
The dollar is broken. You know it and I know it, so, does the rest of the world. But then the only ones responsible are those who created the Ponzi scheme and the entrapment of our money system; they have prepared a plan to avoid the blame. The unsuspecting American people do not realize what an explosive and terrifying racial upheaval is in the works to tear people into hate fractions and create chaos throughout the world; especially on all college and university campuses.
Maybe many people know what is happening, but they are afraid because they know what happened to Jack Kennedy, who tried to prevent the evil cabal that manipulates the world.
The reality is that the only solution for the United States is to put a stop to the 'borrowing' of Federal Reserve Notes from the Federal Reserve Bank and begin issuing United States Notes (which will be interest-free) on the credit of the United States. Otherwise, total chaos is about to be unleashed.
The sad economic situation of the world
Their primary objective; all of Europe is in a state of destitution. All the countries of Europe are on the brink of collapse. The collapse of the European Unit will leave all those nations leaderless, confused, bewildered, and perfectly conditioned for the one-world government. The utopia of Klaus Schwab that has his evil minions working hard to gain control of the ignorant conman to make him their puppet and rule from behind the scenes, a great conspiracy will follow.
There is one single obstacle; the same obstacle that had stopped the Illuminati and Rothschild for two centuries. RUSSIA.
Russia continues to be the nation where the Rothschild’s have not been able to conquer despite all their maneuvering. The Rothschild’s thought they had infiltrated their banking system, but Putin has made clear that he will not allow one-world government.
Nathan Rothschild's vow of 1814 to destroy the Czar and also murder all possible royal heirs to the throne was the whole purpose of The Russian Bolsheviks plot. From the turn of the century; the chiefs of the Bolsheviks were Nicolai Lenin, Leon Trotsky, and later Joseph Stalin. None of them was real, they were Zionist conspirators. All of them Russian refugees trained and supported by Jacob Schiff.
Trotsky vanished from the United States together with 300 of his trained hoodlums who combined forces with Lenin and his gang in Switzerland. They had at their disposal $20,000,000 in gold to finance the Bolsheviks takeover of Russia.
The United States had become a terrorist nation ever since. The Lenin-Trotsky band of terrorists descended into Russia to create a revolution that had one single purpose: The destruction of the royal Romanoff family.
Communism has always been an integral part of the Illuminati great conspiracy for the enslavement of the entire world. Communism, so-called, is merely a weapon and bogy man word to terrify people. If anybody still has even a remote doubt that the entire menace of communism was created by the masterminds of the great conspiracy in New York; they adopted Karl Marx "Manifesto" as the constitution of the Communist Party. Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin were obeying orders of Jacob Schiff.
The conspiracy in the United States
The United States is nothing but an Illuminati controlled nation and they have done the same in several others, their tell-tale signs are:
1. Complete control of the U.S. monetary system. Federal Reserve which is neither Federal nor has any reserves. They just milk every American for 12% of every dollar, but just like in American football American love to bend over.
2. Trained men compromised since College are stooges that serve the great conspiracy and promote them into the highest offices in the federal government, Congress, U.S. Supreme Court, and all federal agencies, such as the State Department, the Pentagon, the Treasury Department, etc..
3. Destroy the unity of the American people by keeping them separated in minority groups while promoting constantly strife among themselves throughout the nation; especially between whites and blacks. That is what is behind Trump's rhetoric and that idiot Dracula Look alike Stephen Miller blaming Hispanics for everything.
4. The eventual destruction of religion in the United States.
The most important goal to be achieved was full control of all mass communications media to be used to brainwash the people into believing and accepting all of the maneuverings of the great conspiracy. At least they will demonize the media so people will lose faith and not believe anything they say. Let it be no doubt that only such control would enable the destruction of the unity of the American people.
It is very sad to be honest with you, that a man from a third world country like myself, who came with $5 in his pocket can sense the dangers to this nation and most Americans do not even know what is going on.
Most people have either forgotten or have no sense that Trump is nothing new. After all, when I was 18, in 1981, all I heard was the proclamation of "Americanism" which is nothing different to the "isolationism;" that Trump is proclaiming as his “Make America Great” agenda. But does anybody ask themselves why was America great? America was the beacon of hope for the world. It was the principles upon which was founded, the aspiration to create a society under laws and principles that respected the inalienable rights of every human, the respect for the constitution and civil rights, the equality for all. Trump is a disgusting racist that wants to Make America White Only. One must understand that "isolationism" is "war mongerism;" is "racism.". In a nation of immigrants to claim such stupidity requires that Trump surrounds himself with White Supremacist, racist Zionist Jews and con men with the ability to lie all the time.
Trump in his cabinet has one single agenda: breaking us up into a Nation of quarrelling, wrangling, squabbling, hating factions. The Trump administration will be nothing but slanted news and outright lies. People will be so confused that they will have no idea who to believe. The strategy is nothing new, it has been the core of the Lehmans, Goldman-Sachs, Kuhn-Loebs, and the Warburgs strategies of controlling America.

As Americans, we need to realize soon that we cannot allow the Zionist Jews to destroy this nation. They are already brainwashing and destroying the unity of the American people. This is total madness, and if you love America you must stop them. This is a plot to prepare us for a world war. A total collapse of the economy that will be accomplished in Trump's second term, a war that has a specific purpose to make Ukraine the New land of Israel for the Zionist Jews. It could be even more horrible and more devastating than the two previous world wars in order to get the people of the world to again clamour for peace and a means to end all wars. But who is going to control it all?.
Donald Trump is not an accident. This is a very carefully planned agenda. There would be no escape from the new world order. They have set up all the traps. They have planned to come out all innocent and blame Trump for all the evil they have created. They want to emerge clean with a perfect strategy to ensure that no one escapes.
Here is how they are going to do it.
The United Nations' is nothing but the evil creation of the great conspiracy. The reason why the UN made mistakes in Berlin, in Korea, in Laos, in Katanga, in Cuba, in Vietnam, in Iraq, In Syria and on and on is to leave the world startled, shocked, bewildered, and horrified because they have never solved anything at all.
Why have they done all this? The answer is that the main business of the powerful elite is war. Their chief instrument is to keep the world in turmoil and to finally terrorize all of us into seeking peace in a U.N. one-world government. That is where we are headed. Trump is surrounded by Zionist Jew advisers. Not Hebrews! Zionist are not real Jews, they belong to the Synagogue of Satan.

If the United States collapses and it is political system is destroyed, then and only then, the whole world would follow the World Economic Forum agenda, and the United Nations and the One World Order would be established. Now you have a clear explanation as to why Donald Trump was placed in the White House in the same fashion as the Bolshevik revolution. Analyze carefully and it simply makes no sense that the ugliest movie producer in America like Steve Bannon and a band of racist misfits like the vampire look alike Stephen Miller and other weird characters have achieved the greatest coup in American history. They manage to land Donald Trump in the White House, a pathological liar, sociopath, demagogue, narcissist, bankrupt, crafty, unscrupulous, and utterly without conscience man is the leader of the USA. The world will come to realize pretty soon that Donald Trump is a charlatan traitor who has tricked the American people.
I can see the writing on the wall. He will no longer ask the consent of Congress; he unlawfully will proclaim his powers and blatantly so that all those minority groups will be awakened into a resistance movement of the American people. That will only cause an automatic response and will launch the greatest menace the civilized world has ever known. Chaos and anarchy will reign, democracy will be over, the United States will collapse. The only purpose is so that the Zionist elite conspirators will walk away unscathed and people will blame the moronic masses that supposedly voted for Trump. Then the masterminds of the great conspiracy will come back stronger and they will regain full control of our foreign relations machinery and firmly established the United Nations as the housing for the Illuminati one-world government. Are people so stupid not to see what is so clear?
To achieve those goals, they will create a crisis five times fold what happened in 1929 with their Federal Reserve at the helm they have a manufactured “Crash and Depression” ready-made for the American people. A complete collapse will only serve their purposes to wipe the debts of their banks and take everything from the American citizen. After four years of chaos under Trump, they will bring another Democrat stooge back into the White House. The evil cabal is always patient and a four-year disruption in their total control of the destiny of the world is nothing to them. They will allow Goldman Sach’s pupils and the Zionist Jews to play havoc with the world. Then Trump would make a come back to finish what he started.
There is obvious chaos and the stooges in the Republican Party and the Democratic Party are powerless to control the madman at the White House; the powerful elite are being assaulted in their plan and they have made mistakes by placing unqualified and not well-trained stooges to control Donald Trump. His entire cabinet has not been able to take control yet; all the men they need at the State Department, the Treasury Department, the Pentagon, the CFR, the USIA, etc.. The world has a blink of hope to prevent the destruction of the USA.
But the world must realize that once they gain control of every member of the various cabinets, as well as all the under Secretaries and Assistant Secretaries. That would give the conspirators absolute control of all policies, both domestic and most important, foreign. That course of action would require a reserve pool of trained stooges; instantaneously ready for administrative changes and for all other dirty deeds.
All such stooges would of necessity have to be men of national reputation, high in the esteem of the people; but they would have to be men without honour, without scruple, and without conscience. These men would have to be vulnerable to blackmail. There are thousands of such security risks in all federal agencies.

As I have already stated, the conspirators know that only a world war can trigger the success of their plot. It would have to be such a horrifying world war that people of the world would cry out for the creation of some kind of a world organization that could secure an everlasting peace. But how could such a war be brought about? All the European nations are at peace. The first step will be to collapse the Euro. Once they create economic collapse then it will be easier to make quarrels with their neighboring nations and certainly, their stooges will start a war. I may be wrong about Putin but either as part of the plot or by provocation they will create some kind of an incident to launch a war.
Despite the massive evidence that the conspirators "Illuminati gang” as leaders of the synagogue of Satan have been pursuing to destroy the real Hebrew Jews the world keeps ignoring that fact. Now most people blame the Jews who are innocent but are hated by the world for the deeds of the Zionist fake Jews, who had engineered the pogroms in Russia which slaughtered many, many thousands of Jews and created a world-wide hatred for Russia and they decided to use that same unconscionable trick to inflame the new Hitler-led German people into a murderous hatred of the Jews.
The Rothschilds, Schiffs, Lehmans, Warburgs, Barouchs, cared nothing for the Jews who were the victims of their nefarious schemes. In their eyes; the slaughter of the several hundred thousand innocent Jews by Hitler didn't bother them at all. Because they are Caucasian Khazars Zionist.
They considered it a necessary sacrifice to further their Illuminati one-world plot just as the slaughter of the many millions in the wars that followed was a similar necessary sacrifice. Now America has become their new necessary sacrifice.
The majority of the American people are brainwashed, deceived, and deluded by the Zionist traitorous press, TV, and radio, and by our traitors in Washington D.C. Many people would like to hope against hope that Trump is truly trying to change the world. The reality is that he is surrounded by the evil cabal that controls it. I have no clue what will it take to awaken and arouse our people to fight against the evil cabal. I will be very honest. I have tried to do my duty as a citizen. I am risking my life for the sake of the principles that brought me to this country. Contrary to what that conman has convinced most Americans most of us Hispanic immigrants do not come to the USA to take your jobs and take advantage of Americans. We come for the same principles that drove your ancestors to the United States of America. We believe that the United States is the beacon of hope for the world. We believe that every human being must have an equal opportunity to succeed. I pray to God that you do something about it. I am intelligent. I have over fifty patents and if I get deported, I can go and do wonderful things in the country where I was born. I love the United States, but I am not afraid of the actions a cuckold racist liar could do to me, but the disaster that he will cause destroying the very fabric of what was once the United States. A nation of immigrants who dare to dream of creating the most wonderful nation on Earth. Then Trump came along and has turned this great nation in rallies of the illiterate blaming Hispanics for their own failures. I pray for America and hope my words are not turned into the sad reality, because that will mean these words have become true and eventually Trump will destroy the United States.
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