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miércoles, 21 de diciembre de 2016

The Vaca Plan for Immigration

The Vaca Plan for Immigration in the United States of America
Copyright Germanico P Vaca
I wrote this article back on 12/21/2016 I have added a few things

As many as twenty million immigrants of Hispanic descent may live in the United States. Donald Trump promised to initiate a massive plan of deportation. The economic cost and the human price of those policies, notwithstanding the abuses of human and civil rights, became the norm during his administration. It has been imperative to put forward a better plan that will not cost the United States any money but rather it will be for the benefit of our society.

I am putting forward the framework of a new immigration policy aimed at helping illegal immigrants to be legalized while providing the tools to help them succeed as citizens and contribute in a legal way to the labor market. As of today, Legal aliens contribute over $490 billion to the economy and $30 billion more is paid by illegal aliens. My plan will help triple those amounts. 

It is impossible not to create a policy that will protect many “new American citizens” as there could be millions of newborn citizens whose parents are illegally in the United States. If deportation happens then all those new citizens will become a massive problem. We need to change our thinking and understand some of the realities that exist and are not easy to solve. We must also recognize that the currect economic mess we are in was caused by massive printing of $89 trillion under Donald Trump. Now a new set of trillions of dollars is being printed and if we use comon logic it is actually better for the USA to have more people to helo produce wealth rather than spend trying to hunt them down to deport them, the cost of such an adventure is massive. We need to resolve the immigration process. The new policy that I am about to propose is accompanied by an eight-year action strategy from 2023-to 2031.

Trump never was able to accomplish an infrastructure plan. Now that we confront the war between Ukraine and Russia is more important than ever to become competitive and restart remanufacturing in America.

The new plan is, in many ways, a new approach of economic advantage rather than a massive expense that deportation, imprisonment, and dangers to society.

Under the new system, all illegal immigrants tryinf to enter the United States must signed a contract to pay at least ten thousand dollars to the USA government before obtaining their green card. At the same time all those immigrants living for at least two years in the United States will be eligible to seek a "green card" and will be charged a "fee and fine" for a total of $10,000 per illegal immigrant payable in eight years. They must also commit to completing at least three trimesters of education in English classes, and they will make a commitment to attend school to receive a diploma to become efficient mechanis, construction workers, farmers, trainers and have a percentage of their salary deducted automatically a percentage towards paying their dent to finance those programs. they must also respect the law and not commit any crimes in those eight years to be eligible to get their green card. Otherwise they accept to be deported and not allow to the country under any curcumnstances for ten years at leats. They must also complete a class for citizenship.

From now on each and every person attempting to cross the border will be fined $10,000 per person for each violation.
Those caught living in the USA for less than two years must be deported, accept deportation or pay $25,000 to become legalized.

The benefit for the United States will be tremendous because practically overnight we get twenty million new Taxpayers. Because as part of the requirement they will have to declare taxes as part of their commitment. One of the largest problems that people complain about is that Illegal immigrants cost about ten billion a year because they do not file taxes. Of course, they can not risk being caught, and they will declare where they are working and could be deported. In this manner, they will be happy to oblige and they will be required to do so. The Internal Revenue Service will have to implement a way to facilitate the filing of taxes by immigrants on hold" as they have to file taxes for eight years as part of their requirement to get their green card. This program is efficient and smart.

It is an absurdity to spend billions upon billions catching up people and deporting them when all immigrants are anxious to work, contribute, and become part of the economy. The cost of trying to capture ilegals aliens has been calculated aroung $50 billion dollars. 

The illegal immigrant will be asked to register to initiate a process of legalization. Once all their data and application are received they will sign an agreement to pay a monthly payment and they will receive a temporary permit to work legally under the new law.

Of course, those that are skilled workers can reduce their waiting period to only five years. It will be ideal to create an online profile and application to cut down considerably on the cost of managing the program, and the proper measures to be able to manage payments and receive bank information in a secure manner.

Applicants who have children born in the United States should be given priority as they should submit a formal immigration application to make sure their children are recognized as citizens so they can further their education. Of course, those immigrants that are capable of showing initiative and want to open businesses and show unique skills should be able to petition to have their time predetermined waiting period reduced and be able to receive their green card faster and everyone should be able to complete payments much faster than the predetermined ten years.
The government of the United States can benefit from $250 billion dollars with this program and the cost certainly will be a fraction of what a deportation cost could be.

The government should have no problems garnering public support for an immigration policy that makes sense and rather creates a debt that contributes economically to the United States.
The benefit for the United States is to be able to keep Individuals who have lived in the USA for several years and in many cases, have been trained in job sectors such as construction and manufacturing that are could be in high demand due to policies to be implemented by Donald Trump.  This policy will help keep those highly-trained workers that have qualifications and skills.
We need to be more flexible to open more English courses. This will help finance their education and help pay for a program that contributes to integrating them into our society.

We need to maximize economic participation by prioritizing the industries that can best benefit from the skills of many people that are hungry to work and it will help reduce crime, and create a legal framework in the most civilized and sensible manner. This program is truly a smart way to do it. In many ways, they will be fined and will pay a very hefty price for having violated the rule of law. But at the same time said fine will contribute to our economy and help pay for plans to facilitate programs for immigrants.

 This program will help reduce problems that will arise when there are not enough babysitters, maids, agriculture workers, lawn and garden employees, restaurant workers, etc. At the same time, legalizing so many people will help reduce delays in matching qualified people that may already be in demand and they may fulfill employment opportunities;

We must introduce a flexible and dynamic system that allows the government to continually adapt the entire immigration policy when it comes to the selection criteria of other skilled workers programs that are part of the comprehensive immigration program.

This program will allow the United States to confront the challenges of illegal immigration in the most sensible manner. Like many other societies, we must confront significant demographic change, including a slowdown in population growth, a decline in the working-age population, and an aging population that needs caretakers.

Without productivity gains and only expenses a country's economic growth becomes stagnant, these changes will have serious repercussions on the prosperity of our nation. We must also admit that many of these illegal immigrants have been living in the country, have received training, and developed skills in construction and many fields. Action must be taken now in order to mitigate the impact that illegals have to live with, and rather than a program of deportation and criminalization they will be contributing to the economy immediately.

Any program of deportation may cost the United States over 200 billion dollars. While with this program the United States will benefit from $250 billion dollars in new taxes alone. 

As a matter of fact, the constitution of the United States may actually need to be amended because it said clearly that Congress could not prohibit Immigration
“Section 9 - Limits on Congress

The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress”

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