
The contents of this site are copyrighted material. Please respect the law. Please donate as I do not have sponsors and conduct thorough research before publishing. To those that donate I may share more insides of what the Trump government means to the world.

miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2016

What is about to HAPPEN. message decoded!

John F Kennedy lost his life warning us that an evil international cabal, a secret society was such a well-entrenched organization that has been controlling the United States from the shadows. Regardless of how you want to call it they have decided to takeover completely its government. The Illuminati are massively well-funded because 90% of the worlds wealth is owned by the 1% of their families. They are diabolical and adore Lucifer who may indeed be the immortal fallen archangel of the Bible.

The Economist publication is owned by the Rothschild interest and has been used several times to convey messages to its members to telegraph their plans. They communicate with their members and their puppets through such messages and it is much too clear what is about to be unleashed on the United States of America if we analyzed this picture.

If you analyze carefully what this message is saying you cannot come to other conclusions and the implications are mind blowing.  

·         Look at the massive spiraled justice hammer, if you look more carefully you will see computer binary code all over it, which means they have control over the software, the whole election process and the wall street casino. We are under their a “matrix” of their own making.  They control the media outlets like FOX and others to keep feeding the idiotic masses with their own well manufactured message perfected by their social engineering scientist and the careful control of the social media. So no one will know any better of what they are being told. Nevertheless, they need to make it official and if they do not get their wish to alter the outcome, they will use a Supreme Court decision. They have already decided the winner and they will place Donald Trump as president. That is why you see his smug face over the White house. The implication is that they will manipulate the popular votes and the computers are rigged. The Supreme Court is the only institution that can legalize an electoral decision and will declare that it is all legitimate when they have to manipulate the electoral college, which then will be decided by the Supreme Court.

·         The A220 code is message that Europeans know too well that in America energy of 220 volts needs an inverter, obviously, they can invert the votes needed and therefore the code. It may double code with some implication that Ohio is crucial for the elections as it is Area 220. If they are not able to pull the win with the electoral college they have it all covered.

·         The White House then will be ruled by the Rothschild’s and that is reflected by their symbol on the left wall. Expect a Trump cabinet filled with Goldman Sach's stooges and Zionist. It also has the German connotation that he is of German Descend but more importantly that he is also a Khazar Zionist Ashkenazi by means of his German grandfather. They are letting everyone know for certain that they do control Trump.

·         The nuclear symbol on the lobster being held by the Korean dictator Kim Jong II simply means that a smelly negotiation and threat of unleashing his nuclear missiles are supposed to cause havoc. The simple reality is that he is a puppet controlled by the Rothschild to play their geopolitical games as they transfer all the power and control to China. They will keep playing Trump like a fiddle. 

·         It is a rotten thing to do and people will start smelling how bad things are going to get. A warning on February will be like a porcupine that you are not supposed to touch Trump. All congressmen and Senators will be packed in a train and a casual derailment so they get the message that they can all be dispatched to heaven or hell if they do not vote for Trump agenda. That means the Trump administration will be a smelly exercise of corruption, manipulation, fraud, bribes and criminal conspiracy flooded among constant investigations.

·         Meanwhile on the other shoulder will be “anonymous” unleashing news on Trump. WikiLeaks will be too obvious that is the same Rothschild’s leaking the information to manipulate elections and to cause havoc in the economy, once they make tons of speculation money on the first  months of their puppet at the helm. Trump denouncing everything on Hillary is simply a ploy, why did they not release anything on Trump just to be FAIR, the fact is Julian Assange is wanted by the US government, and the NSA have even an arrest warrant, so Assange is doing all this to get a pardon from Donald. The Rothschild’s just enjoy making money as it helps them move the financial markets their way leaving American investors hopeful that the whole thing is not just a casino controlled by this mafia, so they will play another delusion.

·         Then the Rothschild right hand man has already said that Trump had debt to 72 Jewish banks and that he was “buried” so they made a decision to let him live as long as he worked for them. Trump had to get financing from China to whom he owes over a billion dollars. In order to get that debt forgiven he is going to open the floodgates so they can purchase anything in America with the blessing of Donald Trump. In reality is exactly what the Rothschild’s want. They need to transfer their wealth to China before they pull the plug entirely on the United States economy. If Trump was smart and sophisticated as he claims to be, he will already be presenting a true economic plan for America. The only thing coming out from his mouth is incoherent praises for himself and insults for everybody else. Yet somehow people love him or so the media says.

·         Trump will be extremely happy to be president because what else can tickle his ego and narcissistic personality than a title of being the most powerful man on Earth, at least on paper because now we damn well know is the guys and gals who own all the gold vaults.  But Trump will be happy with his ten billion or more in the Bank. He may have been given as much as Putin received. That makes it necessary to have someone to blame and what better way than to have the Masons take the fall and it seems they will make up some connection to Germany. I am, guessing that is probably to keep the euro in bad shape, but probably they will put their man in London and Paris to control Europe to their liking while they keep Trump paralyzed being investigated and shut down, and nobody will ever find anything while they will purge those that were not so faithful along the way. That buys them time so the Rothschild and elite families get comfy in their luxurious bunkers. The masons are no longer needed as the Rothschild intent to collapse the United States by October 2019 if not before. That is when North Korea will come handy, to implement FEMA camps or some made up threat and they can say the nuclear possibility requires all Americans to go to FEMA camps. People will obey and that is where selections will happen. Complete stupidity, all they need is to tell us leave some of us happily will leave. But that will allow the Illuminati to carry out their evils plans. After all people in the United States genuinely thought that the Khazarian Zionist Ashkenazi Kissinger, Greenspan, Bernanke, Paulson truly care for them. They don’t care, people are called the goyim by them.

·         The walls will be crumbling down as fast as the promise of “The Big Beautiful wall along Mexico” so they will distract the masses with North Korea, they will make something up about the White House to put Trump in a bunker and away from the White House, and the whole thing will smell so bad that everyone will be able to see that the whole thing stinks like a fox (numerically means 666).

      They will have the perfect pretext to establish Marshall law. They have everyone’s code by law. The White House will become a dark place and it will be either flooded or put to rest with the fish. Maybe it means the White House will be flooded with Goldman Sachs and Rothschild alumni, or flooded with investigations and allegations to keep the maniacal Trump under leash. Of course, the implication may also be that by August, 2019 either comets, asteroids or the Nibiru Fleet of Annunakies will arrive and will flood the planet, expect several cities in Florida, Texas, India, Bangladesh, Philippines and some in South America to suffer massive floods. Just like they destroyed the work done by the evil descendants of the fallen angels. Then again that is pure speculation or BS. NASA has the eclipse BS circus ready to be played on Americans. That may be the message of showing the White House swimming with the fish.

      That is actually the great difference: That is when you get to the truth of the whole thing. The elections are an illusion of choice. The choice is between The Rothschilds or the Rockefellers. Under the Rothschild rules the United States has been usually screwed in every extent of the word. Under Nixon the gold backing of the dollar came to pass and the so called American Dollar (Federal Reserve Khazarian Zionist note) became a useless piece of paper based on faith alone. If you keep believing is worth it, it is value at the printed amount. Otherwise people will realize is worthless and the end of America will come. Under every Bush administration the American people got lied: “Read my lips no new taxes and then he increased all taxes, with the Reagan administration Irangate, Salvador, Nicaragua and stupid adventures playing wars that had no meaning whatsoever: Under the khazarian Zionist regime of Georgie the biggest Gold Heist, War in Afganistan, Iraq and if you are stupid enough to believe that a guy with a cell phone directed the whole thing from the hell holes of Pakistan you need mental help. Under the Rockefellers administrations they made their money but for the most part trying to make the United States a better place and that is why under Clinton regardless of your opinion of his personal issues tremendous economic growth was achieved, under Obama the almost impossible task of getting the United States from the complete collapse has been done with very mixed results because you have an Israeli Khjazarian Zionist calling the shots at the Federal Reserve. Yes, I am not talking about the retarded Yelling, the second in command is the serpent that is directing the policy. 

It is time that the American people wake up. All those people that want to elect Donald Trump have shown me that this country is filled with fearful hypocrites that keep demanding rights and want to keep destroying the rest of the world without regard to justice, principles, common decency and respect, so they can keep watching TV while their kids play some stupid games on their idiot machines.

I must recall what Jacob Rothschild answered truthfully when he was asked “why do you do this to America?”: and he simply said “Because you let us.” 

The Illuminati do not leave anything to chance. I see several scenarios they are playing and things have already been scripted and is intended to give the Khazar Zionist Ashkenzai the Armageddon they so desire. The bad news is that most of Americans are not invited. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmX6DOBPLDQ

The Rothschild’s and the rest of the Illuminati/ZioNazi-Anglo sphere/Central Banksters /Fortune 500/Wall Street/ City of London/EU/NATO/Mossad-CIA-MI-6-"Piscine"-BND Alphabet Soup news agencies and so called Intelligence Agency Fascists have firm plans to take us all straight down to hell. Humanity must realize that the moment has come to make a stand. Either you fight for your survival, for your rights and destroy any descendant of Cain as the Khazar Zionist Ashkenazi are the spawn of the devil or there will be no future whatsoever.

You have to wonder what the Puppet masters of the USA has up their sleeves. They have controlled Obama with the threat that everyone will find out about Michael-Michele, as if people do not know what is so blatantly obvious. Just in case they have their main agent George Soros supporting Hillary Clinton, of course he is probably controlling the stooges that will become advisors of Trump. Cannot have an election without being on both sides.  

The Illuminati is an organization created mostly by Khazar Zionist Ashkenazi Jews. They believe themselves to be demigods descendants of an archangel who fathered Cain. Cain in turn was the father of Lamech and was followed by Enoch whose seven-generation grandson was Noah. Japheth (second son of Noah) was the father of Magog and the Khazar Zionist Askhkenazi are his descendants. They are a Hydra-headed monster that will commit any atrocity, that will murder any one person, or even wage wars that kill millions of people, in order to maintain its stranglehold on power and force humanity deeper under its violent subjugation and control.  That is your reality.
You can put your money that several secret agencies such as the CIA, Mossad, the French "Piscine" and MI-6 are working overtime to fulfill these evil plans. Their goal for now is to placed a sociopath, liar, money bagman for the Russian mafia as president of the USA. But ultimately Trump and his entire government will be just pawns of the Rothschild’s and allied factions. They can get away with it because they control all the news you are watching, so do yourself a favor, stop watching all the propaganda.  The higher-ups in those espionage organizations receive their own instructions from shadowy players who pull their strings. Kill or be killed, that is how that world operates. That is why no one paid a cent for my story and probably a whole bunch of trolls will insult me to no end to say I am crazy, insane and wrong. Most people in America are so well indoctrinated that Trump himself read a story to tell them "he was a snake..and you still will take him in" because that is what will happen. The Rothschild themselves can tell Americans we can destroy you because you allow us to do so. Noone can’t deny the accuracy of what is being revealed. No, they will attack but no one will not deny any of it.

 Virtual reality is not real at all. It is all FAKE, artificially created and all MADE UP courtesy of your neighborhood’s demon living in a place near you.

So, by September 23 2019 things will be unfolding for the “grand show” and what will transpire on the global stage, remember that is what you are seeing happening on the world stage, it's made to happen for the benefit of the moronic masses, the events are rigged as your news, your wall Street casino, your elections and your financial dreams. People may die soon and the voices that see what is happening will be ignored or we will suffer a fortuitous accident, that our angels may not be able to protect us and so we will be lucky to get an small obituary in the Washington Post, maybe even when people start dying in extremely large numbers, only then people will recognize that the official story that we will be given for it will be FAKE. The reasons for it all will be false, contrived, deceptive, not true. But by then it will be too late.

You may not agree with anything I have said. But I do love this country and I am afraid that Donald Trump will destroy not only this great nation but the world with nuclear war. I only want what is best for all Americans and for the entire world.  May God bless the world and humanity. Evil rules for now and Trump is just one more demon. 

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