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miércoles, 17 de abril de 2019

We now know who the New Puppet is by Germanico Vaca

There has been an undeclared war going on in the continents of America since 1913. The year that the elite bankers of the world manage to grab control of the financial destiny of the United States. The owners of the world conglomerates and the multinational companies now could dream of a New World Order. Americans became since then their slaves. Beginning with the dollar itself. After all, they pay 12% of each dollar to the FED which is neither Federal nor has any reserves. The FED is owned by an independent corporation that does not pay taxes. Since then, Americans send their kids to die and pay for all the wars of the powerful bankers and owner of the conglomerates.

105 years later the world is on the brink of economic collapse due to the massive debt created by the Ponzi scheme of the US Federal Note, known as the United States dollar. We are literally counting the days to the inevitable economic collapse of the world. Trump has increased the debt by 26.2 trillion dollars and conveniently he has hidden it in the unfunded liabilities. Trump has literally bankrupted the USA. Somehow the world is too stupid to see it.

The movie “1984” by George Orwell described a world controlled by high tech surveillance. Everything humans do now is under the watchful eye of big brother. But of course, it’s not the United States of America. It’s the powerful elite and the shadow government of the entities that control humanity.

 The puppets that govern the majority of nations have been carefully selected to carry on the show of dystopia that makes most people believe that there is a democracy, that ideologies and economic prosperity will be reached if they only make the right choice. It is all a lie. Because the reality is that whoever you chose the end result will be the same

Every single human being on the planet is being manipulated and yet everyone hopes that truth and prosperity will be reached by their decisions and their opinions. But unfortunately, everyone’s intentions, plans, projects and hopes are being monitored, controlled and manipulated by the powerful elite that owns the tools of communication. Literally, there is nothing anyone can do without Google, Facebook, and so many other social networks. But every single one of them is owned by powerful entities. In fact, there is little difference between who controls Google and the NSA, CIA, MI6, MI5, Mossad and the most powerful TV networks, Entertainment networks and the great joke is that they all make money from you; the socialists, the Democrats, the Republicans and the idiots.

Along came Julian Assange with a revolutionary idea, to use the powerful elite’s technology of world control to create a mirror that people could see the bestiality, the abuse, the criminal enterprise that had no boundaries, exceptions and limitations in their quest to control humanity.

Of course, that made of Julian Assange the target of the intelligence services all around the world. So, Julian Assange could be a saint and it would not mean a thing. The intelligence services are the experts of deception, lying and spying. There is nothing that Assange or @Wikileaks can do to erase the narrative that Assange is a criminal. They have created such confusion that no one in the world now can be sure if they can believe or trust Julian Assange.

But the reality is only one. If you are not part of the 1% of the powerful elite families and entities that control the world, then you are part of the 99% of people that Julian Assange wanted to warn that we are nothing but paws of their games. But humanity is too coward and too stupid to see that we should take down the 1% of savage manipulators of humanity.

Julian Assange was kept prisoner on a tiny “apartment” that is nevertheless named the “Embassy of Ecuador”. In one of the most shameful chapters for the government of Ecuador. First the puppet of the elite Rafael Correa pretending he was the defender of human rights, provided asylum to Julian Assange when in reality he wanted to stop the leaks about his corruption, while he became a dictator in Ecuador. Now, the new puppet of the Illuminati monetary Fund, Lenin Moreno has used Assange again to portrait himself as the defender of freedom of speech, when is quite the opposite.

The Ecuadorian government themselves described how they did not even take personnel of their own army or military or police forces, but they paid a Spanish company to spy, monitor and check every move of Assange. Video and listening devices were installed and later that same company wanted to be paid over three million dollars not to publish the data that should be the property of Ecuador. Yet in one of the most astonishing demonstrations of incompetence, the Ecuadorian government has not even filed lawsuits against that Spanish company, which they hired, and is now making money selling data that was literally “stolen property” of Ecuador, because Ecuador paid and should be the property of the Ecuadorian government. Perhaps they were too busy basking on the news that they had to surrender Assange to big brother.

Trump’s first CIA director and now US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo made clear that “@WikiLeaks” was going to be placed out of commission the very first day that he took the job. He cited them specifically as a priority to regain control of spying on everyone.

The world, of course, is easily manipulated and the powerful forces that control the world have managed to make Assange into a rapist, although he never raped any woman and even the charges are very clear that the women had consensual sex with him.

In the end, no argument matters. The NSA, CIA and every intelligence service wanted Assange in a high-security prison. They all wanted to send a clear message to the rest of the world. No one should dare contradict the states.

WikiLeaks can be argued is nothing more than a digital pool of information where whistle-blowers could dump whatever information they believe is in the public interest to decry the crimes and corruption of their own governments. But the spy agencies have manipulated the facts so that people now want to make WikiLeaks responsible for not leaking more embarrassing things of Russia and other governments. As if somehow was not enough to have the west intelligence services against them, somehow Assange is guilty, according to some, not to make Putin a bigger foe. Even the argument is beyond stupidity.

Whistle-blowers must continue to reveal nefarious behaviour that governments, armies, and corporations would prefer to keep hidden. Julian Assange is guilty of trying to save the world of the Police States, of the high-tech surveillance and the control of the elites over the world. In the process what is abundantly clear is that Lenin Moreno was well trained as a puppet of the world Elite and we could see at least 70% of Ecuadorian public companies, soon will be sold for pennies on the dollars to the multinational companies. So much for freedom, so much for democracy. Phase one of the evil plan of the cabal took place with ten years of corruption and debt creation by Correa. Now phase two is dismantling the country. Yet the naivete and ignorance of the banana republic citizens have even the ignorant reporters working as cheerleaders of the powerful elite. Assange is now the sacrificial lamb of the non-declared “New Santa Inquisition”. Now they will not lynch withes and warlock, infidels and unbeliever of God. Now the crime is to let the world know how nefarious their governments sometimes are.

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