Mr Trump’s Wall is the epitome of STUPIDITY

Humanity is being led like cattle and the majority of humans are not using their brains to the full extent. Otherwise, how can you explain the populist movements in Venezuela, Ecuador, Argentina where the same insane agenda was pushed in front of everyone’s eyes and yet somehow, they ignore the facts and wanted to believe that the so-called socialism XXI was an invention of a security guard of Venezuela. We live in a world that stupid things and beliefs can be pushed so easily in the minds of people and convince them that somehow it is the right thing to do, despite the fact that it may be a stupid idea.
Humanity is so manipulated today, that although we have the facts before our eyes and we are doing things every single day that show us the real facts. Yet we choose to believe in the impossibility of things. People make a mockery of the past and of others. But we ignore reality, the true history and we are afraid of thinking.

Let us take as an example of the “big beautiful wall” that Mr Donald Trump has proposed. There are millions of people who apparently agree that it is the right thing to do. Never mind the impossibility of building such a wall in certain places of the United States border with Mexico. Never mind the completely useless purpose. Never mind the outrageous cost when a nation is flooded in such massive debt that building a wall is nothing but the epitome of stupidity.
I am going to go back to show you how stupid the idea of the big beautiful wall is. But let us get some other facts before us.
I am going to show you the future. I am going to give you a peek into what the world will need to do. The solution is right before us. The solution is nothing short of fantastic.
The real problem that the United States is facing. The real issue before us is that the world economy is on the brink of disaster due to the massive debt that “they” have created; I will explain later who they are” and the US dollar is worth almost nothing (about 2 cents). Due to the Breton Woods agreement then most currencies are worth even less, and the massive interest being paid by everyone is causing such poverty and such misery, that if we do not do something about it, then anarchy and dark ages are into our future.

The collapse of the US economy is a mathematical fact that will happen sooner than later. The problem is that such collapse will cause all economies in the world to collapse and poverty will reign supreme. Anarchy in the entire world will be unleashed. War, famine and destruction are written in our future.
What has been happening in Venezuela has shown us what will happen in the world. People left their homes, their friends and their families and left desperately seeking a place where they could at least eat. Yet Venezuela is a very rich country. It had 280 tons of gold reserves. It has massive oil resources. It has tons of gold mines and diamonds all over the Roraima’s. So, we can expect that the same will happen worldwide when the US dollar collapse. You can erect walls all over the place and it will serve no purpose whatsoever but it will show how “stupid” humanity was.
Yet the solution is right before our eyes. I had long proposed a fast speed train to connect all nations. From Canada to Chile. From Punta del Fuego to Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro, Quito, Bogota, and every nation connected by mass transit. A fast speed train that in 4 hours will take you from Mexico to Quito and four hours from Quito to Rio de Janeiro. Imagine being crossing through fast train the entire Amazon jungle. The ability to go through the most majestic mountains of Ecuador like Chimborazo, Cotopaxi and Cayambe to the most fantastic beaches of Rio de Janeiro. Imagine being able to see the Iguazu Waterfalls that make the Niagara Falls look like child’s play to the fantastic ruins of Cuzco or Maya ruins. Tourism and commerce on a scale we can only dream about.

The project of building a fast speed train to connect all nations of the continent of the Americas was written by me in 2004 and it has been ignored. Yet is an all win situation for the world. Massive infrastructure building bridges, roads, electric plants powered by wind, solar, geothermal and hydraulic plants, hundreds of train stops. The massive amount of jobs. American companies leading the way. Computer systems and cars, trucks needed to build the project. Engineering and architecture firms busy with designing the most challenging train system in the world to cover three continents. All kinds of incredible terrain in the most environmental way. Banks will finance the projects and will be making money creating financial stability for all investors. Construction companies and Consulting companies. Manufacturing companies, computer companies, Electric Service providers. Ford, GM and Chrysler will be selling cars like there is no tomorrow. The United States and every single nation will have such a massive amount of jobs that there will be no mass exodus nor an immigration problem. No need of a stupid moronic wall no matter how beautiful it may be. Latin America is so rich with resources because they have massive amounts of gold, silver, oil that they can pay for all of it and they produce the most amazing fruit, vegetables that you do not even know exist in the United States. You do not need a stupid wall.
But that is only the beginning because to solve the world economy you need to resolve the absurd stupidity of paying a massive amount of interest that the Federal Reserve collects. The majority of people do not even know that they are been ripped off because they are being charged 12 cents of every dollar by the Federal Reserve which is neither Federal nor has any reserves and is owned by a Private corporation owned by the world elite bankers. Destroy the Federal Reserve and leave their owners with the debt. We start from scratch. No more paying interest to the Federal Reserve. A true US dollar worth 100 cents and not two cents as it is the case today. The only question is are you such cowards or are you always going to be pussies commanded and led by the Jewish cabal or whatever evil demon entities manipulate the world?

But there is much more than meets the eye behind the project. Because you see the biggest continent in the world. The unexplored resources, the most unexplored frontier and the most miraculous, most unique secret is Antarctica. If the US wants any of those resources and wants a part of it, then the gateway to getting there is a fast speed train and a connection build by everyone to share. That is the future and the solution to the world.
I have laid out the whole plan. Right here
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