
The contents of this site are copyrighted material. Please respect the law. Please donate as I do not have sponsors and conduct thorough research before publishing. To those that donate I may share more insides of what the Trump government means to the world.

miércoles, 5 de julio de 2017

Wake up America.

We are living in a world of fake news, fake presidents and fake reality. But nothing is worse than the fake economic output and out reality investment environment.  The speculative investments into stocks, bonds, and other assets are rapidly accelerating. In the last two years, consumer electronics stock index; the entire hotel sector; the computer hardware sector and even railroad stocks are going way up to 100%. Apple Inc has already gone 35% since the beginning of this year. That means the company is overvalued at least $200 billion more than it was worth just a few months ago.  Does it make sense to you?

Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Litecoin have gone insane. Some new cryptocurrencies have appeared and had gains of over 1,000 %. While the real things and commodities are being ignored and oil has struggled mightily.

Real estate has suddenly taken off: Commercial real estate prices are reaching record levels as if people have forgotten what caused the previous crisis. Average home prices have been climbing steadily.

Of course, the media sells the idea that is due to investors diving into the market. But does it make sense to you that billions are being invested in companies that have never made a cent in profits?
The powers to be are driving this bull market with the great promise that there are massive amounts of money to be made by the Midas touch of Donald J Trump. That is the biggest con and the biggest lie of all the fakes in America. But there are forces out of the control of the elite that will bring chaos, losses and destruction of massive wealth. The market is already overvalued.

I was one of the very few people to predict correctly in 2004 what will happen due to the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac collapse.  To this day no one admits that the real cause of the 2008 collapse was due to the inability to sell bonds of Fannie and Freddie.

It was the shortage of Chinese and Russian money coming into the USA that causes the credit mess. The result was the enormous losses in the U.S. mortgage market. Close to $3 trillion dollars and the Federal Reserve was forced to print massive amounts of dollars out of nothing. They pretended to blame subprime lending, which was absolute nonsense because subprime lending was only 3% of the loans. Yet that lied was quoted by all the media.

That is the tragedy that is happening again. People do not seem to get it. Money is being printed out of nothing and this time is not the bonds of Freddie and Fannie but US bonds and securities that nobody wants. In other words, the world’s major central banks have embarked on an unprecedented monetary experiment, printing more than $25 trillion and backing their currencies with risky mortgages, corporate debt, and even highly volatile American tech stocks. Debt and money out of nothing everywhere. There is no value at all, there is no real money. Everybody is playing on a casino of massive scale and the result is the total death of the economy. It is all a fantasy that will come down like an avalanche from the heavens of false promises. That is always the end result for money out of nothing.

For the past few years, stocks and other assets have been ripping higher, propelled by governments’ central banks, sovereign wealth funds, corporate buybacks, and value-ignoring index-fund investors.
There have hardly been major losses in the last year. Stocks are soaring and Trump has become a cheerleader claiming to be responsible for the results. I hope people realize that speculators are pouring money in marijuana stocks and cryptocurrencies, many of which are up more than 1,000% over the past year. It is madness. It is the fact that banks are paying no interest, and money is virtually free to borrow, it turns us all into borrowers and speculators, chasing returns in the stock market and other speculations. That is key to understand. All of this is speculation.

The government has done NOTHING to stimulate the economy haven’t led to any real increase to wages or wealth. Deregulation only takes away the protections that were established to avoid such massive speculation and we all know the results of 1929, but people are ignoring all the basics of a real economy.

What is really happening is that the most enormous credit bubble in the history of the world is being created. The real reason behind such a wave of speculation in investment assets as we have never seen before. But we must understand is all fantasy.

It is a tragedy that people do not understand the fallacy of what our leaders have done to our money and our financial system. By manipulating its value and controlling its price by controlling interest rates, they’ve simply engineered another huge credit bubble and a speculative bubble. People must awaken to the reality that the whole market is as valuable as any digital currency is. These policies are sending prices for stocks, bonds, real estate and other assets soaring and the only true end result is the most massive economic disaster the world would ever see.

All the rules of business, investing, purchasing, saving, capitalism, and job creation have been turned upside down. We are now living in a world where the “normal” rules no longer apply. By lowering the cost of borrowing money to essentially zero, the Federal Reserve (and the world’s other central banks) have been financing a massive bubble and everything that goes against true assets, true labour and against the hardworking people of the world.

Can you honestly believe that Facebook, WhatsApp, snap chat and so forth have any intrinsic value? They are free apps making a buck out of advertisement but when the world collapses who is going to care about any of those apps?.

Everybody is selling the same thing. Google, facebook, twitter, youtube, etc, they all are selling advertisement and people simply ignored it. I honestly very seldom if ever I bother opening any of the advertisements in any of those social media.

America’s leading tech firms have been using this virtually free capital to build new businesses that have very low (or even zero) labour costs. These “virtual” businesses are transforming entire sectors of our economy and wiping out the middle class.

It’s insanity to see companies that are growing on a massive scale, massive sales growth despite the fact that they have produced virtually zero profits. It is rather absurd that companies that are making no profits at all could actually invest more than 5-times what they made in profits into growing its core business and building new businesses just to push their stock market. They are the Seinfeld show on steroids. They sell nothing, the whole enterprise is about nothing and will end up in nothing.
Of course, the argument is that it is great for consumers, for the company’s founders, and shareholders. But it is not good for the real economy. Their growth is just adding a few servers.

The end result is that the retail industry and malls who have to staff each store and carry all the expenses can't possibly compete with Alibaba, Ebay, Amazon. Their demise will bring severe consequences to the entire economy.

Trump is applauding his supposed deals but never mentions the facts that close to 9,000 retail stores will close their doors in 2017. That’s four times as many as closed last year, and would far surpass the closings in the collapse of 2008.

It will take only a very small crisis to make everything collapse. Companies that depend on their stocks and virtually free access to unlimited capital are driving the frenzy but they will never make a profit.

Companies like Netflix have borrowed $3 billion to finance their growth. They’re deep in debt and losing millions per year. Deere &Co is holding $38 billion in loans and leases. Does it sound like a good idea to you that management is betting the company (founded in 1837) on the ability of farmers to repay $38 billion in tractor loans? If there is an eruption of Yellowstone the entire company disappears.

The only competitive advantage of the United States against the world is that the Federal Reserve directors are mindless psychopaths that are totally insane.  They have been printing money and manipulating interest rates to artificially low levels for more than 90 straight months.
The whole economy of the United States is a great bubble. Americans have a debt of $67 trillion dollars. The debt of $20 trillion that is only the central government’s debt. But as if that did not matter whatsoever Americans borrowed more than $1 trillion to purchase new cars, much of it in the form of risky “sub-prime” loans. Billions of dollars’ worth of these loans will never ever be paid back.

College students have also borrowed more than $1 trillion. Instead of the government stepping in to present real solutions the prices of education have soared and another credit bubble has been created and it will pile up on the total disaster to be unleashed.

Total household debt in America just hit a record high but what are central banks around the world doing? Here comes the insane part. They are buying the useless never to be paid, almost zero interest rates US securities and bonds. They are the ones buying massive quantities of stocks, all around the world. But all those companies are going to crash and burn and what is going to happen then?
Today, the Swiss central bank owns more shares of Facebook than Mark Zuckerberg, the company's founder. When the world's wealthiest, most conservative, and most risk-adverse investors open a Swiss bank account to hold the world's best currency – the Swiss franc –they're really buying U.S. stocks in a company that will die just like every single dot. Com company died many years ago.
The Swiss central bank now owns $134 billion worth of equities in markets around the world. That makes it one of the largest investors in the entire world – a tiny country of just over 8 million people.
Central banks began buying stocks because they virtually ran out of bonds to buy. Japan’s central bank now owns more than 10% of every single company in the Nikkei index and is on course to become the largest owner of more than 55 different companies.

Central banks' free-money policies have now permanently linked the value of every currency in the world to the value of the stock market. As a result, the value of every currency in the world has been turned into a ticking time bomb.

This is why the next financial crisis won't just hit retail commercial banks. It will also hit the central banks. In other words, the national banks of governments around the world. What is the problem with that?

No bailout. Because everyone will be broke and that is what we confront.

Every single person on the planet will be affected. Every single currency in the world is now tied to stock and bond prices. We are living the prelude before the worst global financial collapse.

It will be like nothing we’ve ever seen in the world.  It is an unsustainable system and no matter what happens it will collapse.  The imbalances caused by paper money have grown exponentially bigger over the past decade. And the "wobble" in the system is becoming more and more severe. People are desperate and that is why they are betting in cryptocurrencies and they will be as useless as any other paper money. In fact, how are they going to access if even internet companies will be broken?
Our entire global economy runs on nothing more than the "faith" and "credit" of the United States government.  Trump is making everyone lose faith in America and Trump is the catalyst for the complete destruction of America. Meanwhile, there's nothing but corrupt and mindless leaders that have done nothing to solve the real problems of the economy. They simply have allowed the Federal Reserve to continue printing money out of nothing.

Do you why some people called it the Luciferian agenda? Well, let me reveal to you the real reason. If Lucifer wanted to cause despair, destruction, poverty and collapse what better way than controlling the economy. Therefore, everyone serving this evil agenda is your enemy and should be destroyed.
Let me show you the insanity of what the United States is doing.

How can a country spend trillions upon trillions in defence instead of education, health care, infrastructure, business creation and industry?

Just imagine for a second if Trump would have decided to spend those 54 billion that he has assigned for defence and those 36 billion he has asked for Israel and instead would have decided to spend on infrastructure. Then miners, metal factories, concrete, sand, construction companies, engineering firms, contractors, asphalts companies and so many others would have benefited. With real job creation, there is spending on food and products, taxes are paid, homes are bought and so forth and so on. Instead, Trump spends his days watching Fox, CNN and fighting a senseless absurd exchange of lies, accusations and stupidity.

Show me any time in history when a country with the world's largest military and the world's biggest debts begins printing money to pay its bills, just like America is doing today. Instead of caring for the people they are looking for enemies to destroy while destroying itself from within.
Why is nobody doing anything?

Why are the politicians approving the most insane programs, budgets and pretend they care for the American people? Is it not Donald Trump who is giving even more money to the military? Do you feel safer now than before? What benefit is to you that someone gets killed in Iraq, Syria or Afghanistan. Wake up.

Between August 21 to September 23, 2019, the world will experience the most devastating collapse that will destroy the United States as a nation. Unless something is done. 

martes, 4 de julio de 2017

The Great Conspiracy

The great conspiracy to destroy the sovereignty of the United States and the enslavement of the American people within a U.N. one-world dictatorship is mostly ignored by the vast majority of the American people. Yet it has begun.

It is frightening to realize the danger to our country and to the entire free world for the ignorance by most Americans. But it is precisely the masterminds behind this great conspiracy that manipulate all the components to achieve the greatest confusion. The absolute control of the government, mass media and all means of communications, especially television, the radio, the press, and Hollywood.
We are walking into the darkest times if it becomes policy to question all medium of expression. The white house has proclaimed that independent media is “fake news” and corporate media is “dishonest” and the next step will be to declare that the State Department, the Pentagon, and the White House have the right and the power to tell you what you should believe. But they have already invalidated all the information outlets in their plan to create mass confusion. This is not a plan by Trump. He is incapable of deep thought and planning this is the implementation of the evil plan.
We have to come to grips that Trump was handed power on orders from their masters of the great conspiracy and the objective is the utter destruction of the United States of America. The goal to blame the so-called outsider so they can return as the saviors of the moronic masses that elected him.
The master controllers have already realized that the $20 trillion debt of the United States government is nothing compared to the 606 trillion on derivatives and unfunded liabilities, The United States is beyond any help. The economy is unmanageable and it cannot be saved by another bail out because they already did that and by socializing the American debt they created havoc, chaos and destruction all over the world.

Now their plan is to collapse the United States and coerce then in accepting their enslavement. Trump was placed by the puppet masters because as a “so called outsider” he can implement the complete destruction of the economy and the establishment can walk away unscathed and home free, because they can claim they had nothing to do with it. It was the outside guy. They were kind and good enough not to intervene, and now they will claim with more power than ever that they will help. Despite our utter stupidity to have elected such a flaw and despicable man that now will destroyed it all. It is an entire phony bait to transform the United States into an enslaved unit of the United Nations' one-world government.

I have been able to predict their exact steps in Ecuador and in 2007 I wrote “Conspiración en Latinoamerica” and every single thing I predicted came to pass in Ecuador. Every single step was implemented simply because it was a very specific plan laid out as Project Camelot and created as a socialist government with the specific goal to destroy the nation of Ecuador. Now I have given myself the task to analyze what will happen in the United States. I hope people at least help and donate. I do all this work completely independent of anyone and do not received but donations.

What is about to happen?

First of all, we must be clear. The United States of America have been played for fools. The puppet masters have been using the American people to fight their wars and they keep rubbing in their faces that you are like cattle to them. Take as a clear example what is about to happen in Korea. They have planned to unite north and south Korea and they will do so. Never mind that the United States lost 150,000 of their people fighting for nothing. It will take a simply coup de etat to erase all the sacrifice but they will claim it is in their honor. But just like Vietnam, Rhodesia, South Africa, Afghanistan, Iraq in which our sons lost their lives, and any war Trump decides to commit and it will be your children dying for nothing but the strategic and economic interest of the Zionist bankers and puppet masters.

However, the vitally important matter is that you must realize that the so-called leaders in Washington, those that are supposed to protect you and safeguard our nation and our constitution, are the treasonous bunch whose sole objective is to enslave the whole world of humanity in their satanic plot of one-world government.

The satanic plot is controlled by the Puppet masters and there are tons of information all over the internet for you to know who they are. Pardon me but the donations have been so little that I am not going to risk my life telling you their names and organizations. You can learn their history and their objective by doing some research. What matters now is that the current puppet in the United States was placed there by no other that the masterminds in control of the master plan of the original Illuminati conspirators, but to conceal that fact, most of them have changed their original Jewish family names to American sounding names. But they have been in control of treasury, the Federal Reserve and all the important positions of power in the United States of America.

It must be understood that it is a worldwide plan, so similar organizations exist all over the world and in every single nation through banks, legal and business bureaus. Their main form of control is to be on both sides of the deals, and both sides of the wars.

The one world government that they seek is total control of humanity and that can be achieved only by the utter destruction of the sovereign nations. That is why socialism, communism and capitalism has been used to leave all nations so destitute and so weary of their own governments that they'd be glad for any solution, and what better way that to make people feel as if it their own fault. They chose the outsiders, they picked the incompetent fools that destroy their nation in just a few months, so now, they will come to save us all.

It is the most incredible mess and it has been all perpetrated by the evil bankers of the Federal Reserve and the cohort puppets in the Senate, congress and corporations. It is pure evil and it will not stop until they create a one-world government, but their plot is much to desperate now, the same exact formula, ingredients, measures that happen in Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, Bolivia were implemented as clear as making an apple pie, exact steps, exact measures and of course exact results, the complete destruction of their economies and those nations have mortgaged all their resources for decades.

Now the puppet masters have decided to implement the same measures and same ingredients in the United States and Europe but claiming is the right against the leftist world. But everything is happening with the same stench of the plot and unless you are an ignorant fool you will continue supporting the utter destruction of your nation and the world. I will say it as bluntly as I can. The only chance that Trump is going to defend you and make things better is if hell freezes over and the devil repents and goes back to where he came from.

The masterminds do not operate on a short-range basis. Normally a decade is given to achieve certain goals but is part of the long plan for "The show must go on," the children of the wicked always are trained to keep the objective in place.
Most of the evil plan can be deciphered out of the Protocols of Zion, which was designed by the descendants of Magog and creators of the Synagogue of Satan, so named by Jesus Christ, ultimate world domination so they could impose the luciferian ideology upon what would remain of the human race after the final social cataclysm by use of satanic despotism. Let it be no doubt we have entered that phase.

Donald Trump plan is not his plan at all. It is a very clear and concise plan that does not belong to him because it is the most organized plan ever devised: “the Illuminati plan” and Trump is executing it to perfection. That plan requires the destruction of all existing governments and religions. That objective is to be achieved by dividing the masses of people. Trump has done exactly that. Ever since he came into power Americans have resembled cattle into opposing camps in ever increasing numbers on political, social, economic, and other issues - the very conditions we have in our country today.

We must wake up and realize that it is exactly what they want and the only way to combat that is to take all your money from the banks at the same time, destroy the bankers and destroy the Federal Reserve. We as the people of America must forgive all debts by placing the Federal Reserve in bankruptcy and pass a law that all the debt created by the Federal Reserve is illegal and unrecognized. We start a new without any Zionist Jew in power. Zionist must be destroyed. Otherwise the world will be in a path of dead and destruction.

The Trump plan is to have opposing sides create by themselves civil war in America so he can declare large parts of the population terrorist. Cristian’s will fight against Muslims. White supremacists will fight Hispanics and all brown people. Republicans will fight democrats. In the end, they will allow people to be armed and incidents will provide the cause to fight and weaken themselves and gradually destroy national governments and religious institutions. The very conditions of the Illuminati plan. I am sorry to tell you. The man is too stupid to be the one who is doing this consciously or unconsciously. But he is implementing the plan and is taking us to the worst crisis the world has ever seen.

Now as unbelievable as it may sound I am becoming part of the illuminati plan. Because they want their plot to be uncovered, that will speed up the process. They need the plan to be in the open as a requirement that they are being fair by giving humanity a fighting chance to change their destiny. But the key is that they want you and every human to blame the Hebrew Jews to be destroyed. Although Hebrews are nothing but the main victims of the whole evil plan. The Synagogue of Satan are Zionist Caucasian. They are the children of Lucifer "the light bearer." Using the lie that his objective was to bring about a one-world government to enable those with mental ability to govern the world and prevent all wars in the future.

There is no question that among them there are some of the most intelligent men in the field of commerce, banking, finance, arts and letters, education, the sciences, and industry. They control governments and corporations and by doing so they control laws and the military, intelligence agencies and police departments. You only fighting chance is your money. Take it out of the system invest it in silver. Do not leave anything to the bankers.

The Illuminati have been using pedophilia, sex bribery, monetary corruption, massive bank debts to obtain control of men already in high places in the various levels of all governments and other fields of endeavor. Every influential individual becomes part of the lies, deceits, and temptations of the masterminds and become nothing more than slaves of the blackmail, threats of financial ruin, public exposure, and fiscal harm, even death to themselves and loved members of their families.  The world is filled with officials in all governments from Washington DC to Beijing and from Quito to Berlin. They are being controlled in every possible way. Married men that are closeted homosexuals in the State Department, the Pentagon, all federal agencies, even in the White House are controlled that way. Pedophilia rapist and crooks that have stolen millions from the coffers of the nations are manipulated to do the bidding of the puppet masters.

It is nearly impossible to fight because for centuries now the puppet masters have operated in colleges and universities to cultivate students possessing exceptional mental ability from families of wealth and with international leanings to be trained in the arts of management and manipulation.  Such training was made easier by granting scholarships to those selected by the masterminds. That means that they have been indoctrinated into accepting the one-world government. But to achieve that they are the ones in charge of the recurring wars and strife.  Those men live with the conviction that they are special men with the talent and brains to have been chosen by Lucifer himself and given the right to rule those less gifted, the ignorant masses who don't know what is best for them fiscally, mentally, and spiritually. That is who you are. If you are not a luciferian, then you are cattle to be played with. You are nothing but one of the stupid voters in a rigged game of deception. You are the one who happily confers them the right to create the laws that you must abide by but they are above it all.

All influential people trapped under the control of the masterminds work as their agents and are placed behind the scenes of all governments as experts and specialists. You can often see in the talking mouths that control public opinion with all kinds of lies. Yet they are the ones advising the top executives to adopt policies which would in the long run serve the secret plans of the Illuminati one-world conspiracy and bring about the destruction of the United States and the utter destruction of all governments and religions they were elected or appointed to serve.

The protocols of Zion are very clear that the most instrumental part was to obtain absolute control of the press, at that time the only mass communications media, to distribute information to the public so that all news and information could be slanted so that the masses could be convinced that a one-world government is the only solution to our many and varied problems. Nowadays we are bombarded with constant programs on television, radio and Internet. The plan is clear. You are being control with all kinds of Ultra mind controls.

That is why all mass communications are owned by six corporations, the same that control finances, banking and industry. The same is true of every chain of metropolitan newspapers and magazines, also of the press wire services, such as Associated Press, United Press International, etc.. They have become nothing but fronts for the internationalist bankers, who in turn compose the hierarchy of the CFR, today's Illuminati in America.

Now you can understand why Trump lies so brazenly and openly. In fact, Kelly Ann Conway literally proclaimed that the government has the right to lie and give alternative facts if he so pleases. That is nothing new because the CFR controlled government has given themselves the power to lie to and be believed by the ignorant moronic masses and brain-washed American people.

You must not take my word for fact. If you love your children and your family then you must research, investigate and go to your bank take out your money and buy silver. Because no matter what you do you will find that the plan in being implemented. The Illuminati planned to use wars and revolutions to bring about the establishment of a one-world government. When Trump announced to the world that from now on “it will be America first” what is signaled was that anarchy and wars should start all over the place. Because that is the only way to establish a one world government.
Trump has preached a new policy of America first. But I for one do not fall for the lie that the objective of Trump is to be a sort of benevolent dictatorship.  Although most Americans have deluded themselves into thinking that Trump could bring change against the establishment they are ignoring the clear warnings.  Americans should be stun and outraged that Trump is merely adopting a new strategy to bring the collapse of the United States because the masterminds realized that the one-world idea was almost impossible to implement without a complete civil war among the masses and they needed someone to take the fall for the whole disruption and destruction of the United States. But they are the only ones who can come out of this victorious as they will assume control of the new money system of the United States and the European nations. Europe is collapsing, China will collapse and The United States will collapse. Who wins?

It is utter nonsense not to realize that it is the powers that be that controlled the stock markets because they control the stories. So, they can drive stock markets up and down at will. It is up to them to precipitate a terrific panic on the stock markets in Europe, Asia or America. All stocks can plummet when they decide to do so while they make money on put options on the markets in manufactured catastrophes. Then they buy with those profits all the stocks for virtually pennies on its dollar values.
That has given them complete control of the economy of the United States and virtually the entire world.  Trump has precisely taken out all kinds of regulations that prohibited them of ravaging economies. Now the masterminds are in complete control and there is nothing any citizen can do about it.  They have engineered the new social, economic and political changes happening in America right now. You have been played for fools and now Trump is telling you openly that you better prepare your sons and daughters to go fight in wars for the Zionist masters.  It is clear that Trump has the clear intention to create war with Iran, China and North Korea.  If Trump has any real intentions of defending the American people he would have destroyed the "Federal Reserve Act" because is the means of secret control of the economy in the United States.

The mastermind’s conspiracy is based on dividing the human race into opposing camps so that they could be armed and then brainwashed into fighting and destroying each other. Every human can be manipulated if you trigger their thirst for freedom and justice, so all you need to do, is to create the threat that a bogey man is going to destroy their political party or believes or their religious institutions.

Henceforth, all ideologies and philosophies from Communism, Socialism, Fascism and Nazism have been tools to foment War. The large evidence shows that none of these have ever created an improvement for humanity.

It is precisely that evidence that takes me to conclude that the absolute prove of what I am saying is accurate. The facts remain that between 1859 and 1871 Albert Pike, created a blueprint for three world wars and several revolutions to take place throughout the world. The first and second have come to pass exactly as he had laid out, and now what matters is the third and is unveiling before your eyes.

The plan set out by Albert Pike for World War III is to be fomented by using chaos, controversy, division and lies. The agents of the conspiracy will be among political Zionists and the leaders of the Muslim world. The clear objective is to bring the upheaval of Islam and political Zionism (Israel) to destroy each other while at the same time it will involve all nations to be divided to fight themselves into a state of complete exhaustion; physically, mentally, spiritually, and economically.
The sad reality is that Trump has done nothing but drive the Albert Pike’s plan to immediate fruition. The Middle and far East have been chosen long ago to play a great part in the evil scheme. Trump has preached an unrelenting path for America’s undisputed world domination but those actions will provoke the greatest social cataclysm the world has ever known.

Albert Pike’s letter is catalogued in the British Museum in London, England; he said:
"We shall unleash the nihilists and the atheists and we shall provoke a great social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to all nations the effect of absolute atheism; the origins of savagery and of most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the people will be forced to defend themselves against the world minority of the world revolutionaries and will exterminate those destroyers of civilization and the multitudes disillusioned with Christianity whose spirits will be from that moment without direction and leadership and anxious for an ideal, but without knowledge where to send its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer brought finally out into public view. A manifestation which will result from a general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and Atheism; both ! conquered and exterminated at the same time."

The world needs to face reality, the international bankers of today, like the silver merchants of Christ's day, are the masterminds behind all the corruption, social unrest, economic chaos and mass communications media leading us into believing that socialism, globalism, communism are to blame and yet like an evil sick circle are the movements that will protect you and save you. The actual fact is that bankers are behind all the corruption in the world, wars and social injustice.

Trump committed treason against his own citizens when as soon as he was elected president chose almost his entire cabinet, his counselors and government personnel from some of the highest agents of the evil cabal. Those who control from Goldman Sachs and from other institutions that comprise the conspiracy and direct our governments whom they hold in usury through such methods as the Federal Reserve System in America, the wars we have fought under a pretext or another, such as Korea, Vietnam Afghanistan and Iraq. You can ask any American why did we fight in those countries and most people have no clue. That should alarm you because your ancestors and you are still paying for those wars and have given up the financial well being of your country for the sake of something you do not even have a clue.

Trump is not what you think he is. He is not the savior of America. He is not fighting for your interest and at best he is Putin’s puppet and clearly is nothing but the fall guy for an evil plan to bring the world to that stage of the conspiracy when the Muslim world, religious beliefs, White supremacist, fascist politicians under the facade of populism, atheistic communism and the whole of Christianity can be forced into an all-out third world war within each remaining nation as well as on an international basis scale. Trump has achieved their goals immediately and in a matter of weeks the world is adopting the plan laid out by Lucifer a long time ago.

The final phases of the conspiracy are supposed to be the phoenix of a glorious, tremendous new one-world government that will consist of the king-dictator; the head of the United Nations, the CFR, and a few billionaires, economists, and scientists who have proved their devotion to the great conspiracy. All others are to be integrated into a vast conglomeration of the moronic masses and ignorant humanity; the new enslavement of America and the world. Because most Americans will realize that they have being nothing but slaves of the system. Americans have been the cattle that provided the children to die in all the Zionist wars. Europeans have been the cattle that provided the stage of all those deaths where Lucifer enjoyed his devilish game. Now is the big world stage.

What is coming in the near future?
1. Poverty: Economic collapse.
The world must face the fact that Zionist care very little for their own brethren. So, you should have no doubts of their ability to commit the most atrocious and murderous acts.
Stalin, Lenin, Trotsky were Zionist, so was Hitler.  No one can deny that many thousands of innocent Hebrew Jews; men, women, and children were slaughtered by the Cossacks in Russia and everyone knows what happened in Hitler’s Germany.
What is very important to understand is that the debt of the United States has gone beyond any possibility to save it, so economic collapse is unavoidable. Poverty will reign supreme.

2. Racial Strife.
Donald Trump was allowed to win because that way the establishment does not take the fall for what is about to happen, but they are the ones behind it all.  As always, they are working from the shadows. But now that everything that they have done is about to come to an end, they have brainwashed the masses to make them believe that they have nothing to do with Trump.
The man alone has been so incredible that he has defeated them, but think about it, it makes no sense, just when they were about to collapse everything, Trump conveniently came along. It is the elite all along and Trump’s job is to destroy the unity of the American people by using the old formula, separating all minority groups and racial strife. If America – nation of immigrants- is divided, then they will be more easily destroyed.

There is no question that Trump came to power with a ready-made formula of blaming Hispanics and Muslims. This time the Jewish people are being defended and Trump claims he will protect them 100%. The sad reality is the most so called Jewish people are now Zionist. Only 5% of Israelis are Hebrews. While at the same time he claims to be defending the Christians and attacking Muslims as a whole. The American population divided could not be depended upon to create the violence necessary to overthrown the powers of the elite. Women have been the sleeping minority group, who could be sparked into so-called demonstrations, while blacks, Hispanics and Muslims can be provoked to cause rioting, looting, murder, and every other type of lawlessness - all that is necessary to incite and arouse them. Together; those minority groups, properly maneuvered, could be used to create exactly the strife to declare Marshall law and the perfect pretext to accomplish their objective. 

A One World Government.

The dollar is broke. You know it and I know it, so does the rest of the world. But then the only ones responsible are those who created the ponci scheme and the entrapment of our money system; they have prepared a plan to avoid the blame. The unsuspecting American people do not realize what an explosive and terrifying racial upheaval is on the works to tear people into hate fractions and create chaos throughout the world; especially on all college and university campuses.

Maybe many people know what is happening, but they are afraid because they know what happened to Jack Kennedy, who tried to prevent the evil cabal that manipulates the world.

The reality is that the only solution for the United states is to put a stop to the 'borrowing' of Federal Reserve Notes from the Federal Reserve Bank and begin issuing United States Notes (which will be interest free) on the credit of the United States. Otherwise total chaos is about to be unleashed.

The sad economic situation of the world
Their primary objective; all of Europe is in a state of destitution. All the countries of Europe are on the brink of collapse. The collapse of the European Unit will leave all those nations leaderless, confused, bewildered and perfectly conditioned for the one-world government. The great conspiracy will follow.

There is one single obstacle; the same obstacle that had stopped the Illuminati and Rothschild for two centuries. RUSSIA.

Russia continues to be the nation where the Rothschild’s have not been able to conquer despite all their maneuvering. The Rothschild’s thought they had infiltrated their banking system, but Putin has made clear that he will not allow one-world government.

Nathan Rothschild's vow of 1814 to destroy the Czar and also murder all possible royal heirs to the throne was the whole purpose of The Russian Bolsheviks plot. From the turn of the century; the chiefs of the Bolsheviks were Nicolai Lenin, Leon Trotsky, and later Joseph Stalin. None of them were real, they were Zionist conspirators. All of them Russian refugees trained and supported by Jacob Schiff.  

Trotsky vanished from the United states together with 300 of his trained hoodlums who combined forces with Lenin and his gang in Switzerland. They had at their disposal $20,000,000 in gold to finance the Bolsheviks takeover of Russia.

The United States had become a terrorist nation ever since. The Lenin-Trotsky band of terrorists descended into Russia to create a revolution that had one single purpose: The destruction of the royal Romanoff family.

Communism has always been an integral part of the Illuminati great conspiracy for the enslavement of the entire world. Communism, so-called, is merely a weapon and bogy man word to terrify people. If anybody still has even a remote doubt that the entire menace of communism was created by the masterminds of the great conspiracy in New York; they adopted Karl Marx "Manifesto" as the constitution of the Communist Party. Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin were obeying orders of Jacob Schiff.

The conspiracy in the United States

The United States is nothing but an Illuminati controlled nation and they have done the same in several others, their tell-tale signs are
1. Complete control of the U.S. monetary system. Federal Reserve which is neither Federal nor has any reserves.
2. Trained men compromised since College are stooges that serve the great conspiracy and promote them into the highest offices in the federal government, Congress, U.S. Supreme Court, and all federal agencies, such as the State Department, the Pentagon, the Treasury Department, etc..
3. Destroy the unity of the American people by keeping them separated in minority groups, while promoting constantly strife among themselves throughout the nation; especially between whites and blacks.
4. The eventual destruction of religion in the United States.

The most important goal to be achieved was full control of all mass communications media to be used to brainwash the people into believing and accepting all of the maneuverings of the great conspiracy. Let it be no doubt that only such control would enable the destruction of the unity of the American people.

It is very sad to be honest with you, that a man from a third world country like myself, who came with $5 in his pocket can sense the dangers to this nation and most Americans do not even know what is going on.

Most people have either forgotten or have no sense that Trump is nothing new. After all when I was 18,  in 1981, all I heard was the proclamation of  "Americanism" which is nothing different to the "isolationism;" that Trump is proclaiming as his “Make America Great” agenda. But one must understand that "isolationism" is "war mongerism;" is "racism.". In a nation of immigrants to claim such stupidity requires that Trump surrounds himself with White Supremacist, racist Zionist Jews and con men with the ability to lie all the time.

Trump in his cabinet have one single agenda: breaking us up into a nation of quarreling, wrangling, squabbling, hating factions.  The Trump administration will be nothing but slanted news and outright lies. People will be so confused that they will have no idea who to believe. The strategy is nothing new, it has been the core of the Lehmans, Goldman-Sachs, Kuhn-Loebs, and the Warburgs strategies of controlling America.

As Americans, we need to realize soon that we cannot allow the Zionist Jews to destroy this nation. They are already brainwashing and destroying the unity of the American people. This is total madness, and if you love America you must stop them. This is a plot to prepare us for a world war. A war that has a specific purpose to make Ukraine the New land of Israel for the Zionist Jews. It could be even more horrible and more devastating than the two previous world wars in order to get the people of the world to again clamor for peace and a means to end all wars. But who is going to control it all?.

Donald Trump is not an accident. This is a very carefully planned agenda. There would be no escape from the new world order. They have set up all the traps. They have planned to come out all innocent and blame Trump for all the evil they have created.  They want to emerge clean with a perfect strategy to ensure that no one escapes.

Here is how they are going to do it.

The United Nations' is nothing but the evil creation of the great conspiracy. The reason why the UN made mistakes in Berlin, in Korea, in Laos, in Katanga, in Cuba, in Vietnam, in Iraq, In Syria and on and on is to leave the world startled, shocked, bewildered, and horrified because they have never solved anything at all.  

Why have they done all this? The answer is that the main business of the powerful elite is war. Their chief instrument is to keep the world in turmoil and to finally terrorize all of us into seeking peace in a U.N. one-world government. That is where we are headed. Trump is surrounded by Zionist Jew advisers. Not Hebrews! Zionist are not real Jews, they belong to the Synagogue of Satan.

If the United States collapses and it is political system is destroyed, then and only then, the whole world would follow the United Nations and the One World Order would be established. Now you have the clear explanation as to why Donald Trump was placed in the White House in the same fashion as the Bolshevik revolution. Analyze carefully and it simply makes no sense that a movie producer like Steve Bannon and a band of racist misfits like the gay Stephen Miller and other weird characters have achieved the greatest coup in American history. They manage to land Donald Trump in the White House, a pathological liar, sociopath, demagogue, narcissist, bankrupt, crafty, unscrupulous, and utterly without conscience man is the leader of the USA. The world will come to realize pretty soon that Donald Trump is a charlatan traitor who has tricked the American people.
I can see the writing on the wall. He will no longer ask the consent of Congress; he unlawfully will proclaim his powers and blatantly so that all those minority groups will be awaken into a resistance movement of the American people. That will only cause an automatic response and will launch the greatest menace the civilized world has ever known. Chaos and anarchy will reign, democracy will be over, the United States will collapse. The only purpose is so that the Zionist elite conspirators will walk away unscathed and people will blame the moronic masses that supposedly voted for Trump. Then the masterminds of the great conspiracy will come back stronger and they will regain full control of our foreign relations machinery and firmly established the United Nations as the housing for the Illuminati one-world government. Are people so stupid not to see what is so clear?
To achieve those goals, they will create a crisis five times fold what happened in 1929 with their Federal Reserve at the helm they have a manufactured “Crash and Depression” ready made for the American people. A complete collapse will only serve their purposes to wipe the debts of their banks and take everything from the American citizen. After four years of chaos under Trump they will bring another Democrat stooge back into the White House. The evil cabal is always patient and a four-year disruption in their total control of the destiny of the world is nothing to them. They will allow the Goldman Sach’s pupils and the Zionist Jews to play havoc with the world.

There is obvious chaos and the stooges in the Republican Party and the Democratic Party are powerless to control the madman at the White House; the powerful elite are being assaulted in their plan and they have made mistakes by placing unqualified and not well trained stooges to control Donald Trump. His entire cabinet has not been able to take control yet; all the men they need at the State Department, the Treasury Department, the Pentagon, the CFR, the USIA, etc.. The world has a blink of hope to prevent the destruction of the USA.

But the world must realize that once they gain control of every member of the various cabinets, as well as all the under Secretaries and assistant Secretaries. That would give the conspirators absolute control of all policies, both domestic and most important, foreign. That course of action would require a reserve pool of trained stooges; instantaneously ready for administrative changes and for all other dirty deeds.

All such stooges would of necessity have to be men of national reputation, high in the esteem of the people; but they would have to be men without honor, without scruple, and without conscience. These men would have to be vulnerable to blackmail. There are thousands of such security risks in all federal agencies.

As I have already stated, the conspirators know that only a world war can trigger the success of their plot. It would have to be such a horrifying world war that people of the world would cry out for the creation of some kind of a world organization that could secure an everlasting peace. But how could such a war be brought about? All the European nations are at peace. First step will be to collapse the Euro. Once they create economic collapse then it will be easier to make quarrels with their neighboring nations and certainly their stooges will start a war.  I may be wrong about Putin but either as part of the plot or by provocation they will create some kind of an incident to launch a war.
Despite the massive evidence that the conspirators “Rothschild gang” as leaders of the synagogue of Satan have been pursuing to destroy the real Hebrew Jews the world keeps ignoring that fact. Now most people blame the Jews who are innocent but are hated by the world for the deeds of the Zionist fake Jews, who had engineered the pogroms in Russia which slaughtered many, many thousands of Jews and created a world-wide hatred for Russia and they decided to use that same unconscionable trick to inflame the new Hitler-led German people into a murderous hatred of the Jews.

The Rothschilds, Schiffs, Lehmans, Warburgs, Barouchs, cared nothing for the Jews who were the victims of their nefarious schemes. In their eyes; the slaughter of the several hundred thousand innocent Jews by Hitler didn't bother them at all. Because they are Caucasian Khazars Zionist.
They considered it a necessary sacrifice to further their Illuminati one-world plot just as the slaughter of the many millions in the wars that followed was a similar necessary sacrifice. Now America has become their new necessary sacrifice.

The majority of the American people are brainwashed, deceived, and deluded by the Zionist traitorous press, TV, and radio, and by our traitors in Washington D.C.. Many people would like to hope against hope that Trump is truly trying to change the world. The reality is that he is surrounded by the evil cabal that controls it. I have no clue what will it take to awaken and arouse our people to fight against the evil cabal. I will be very honest. I have tried to do my duty as a citizen but I barely get even a lousy donation and yet I am risking my life for the sake of the principles that brought me to this country. I pray to God that you do something about it even if you ignore helping me or sharing this important investigation. I pray that this record will inspire you, all of you, to spread this story to all loyal Americans in your community.

lunes, 27 de febrero de 2017

Survival Investment

Survival Investment
How to save your family.
My name is Germanico Vaca,

I am a builder/ inventor/writer. I had been writing about the events to unfold since 1997. I have tried my very best to warn humanity about the economic issues and so much more. I know that the time has finally come and I must do whatever it takes to protect my family and I sure hope you would do the same.

For many years, I have planned to build a “survival bunker” and kept postponing the plan due to financial circumstances. But most importantly because I have known of this since I am 13 years old. I knew it was not the right time yet.

However, I came to the realization that building a hide-out was not the solution. Because if the world is going to be destroyed and humanity was going to be destroyed, then survival will only expose you to war and famine.

The question is how are you going to survive later? What are you going to do for a year? What are you going to do afterwards and how are you going to survive after you come out of the bunker? Specially since there will be no government, no jobs, no society, nothing else. Can you start over and begin from NOTHING?

Of course, the answer is that you will have to make a new community, a new country and a new life and we need each other.

People will literally go insane, if you have nothing to do, and illnesses, and boredom, and depression will kill you anyway. So, a better plan was needed. I have never seen one, have you?

That will mean creating a “community”. Only then we can prepare to survive. More importantly, only then we can work to forge a new society, a new community a new life for ourselves and our families.
Of course, the other great dilemma was the investment required to build a “Survival Bunker". After all the money invested what do you do if nothing happens? Are you willing to lose and waste thousands of dollars?

The catastrophes and things happening all over the world are real, and regardless of how much destruction and damage we confront, the reality is that sooner or later, we will need to face the survival from all this economic chaos. All these changes happening around the world.

After careful consideration, I realized that the only true solution was to build a “viable business” and the “Survival Bunker” as part of the business.

It only makes sense. A survival bunker needs great amounts of food, water purification, own electric system and proper facilities. The only way to do that is creating a business that will involve food, water and juice processing.

That is why I have decided to create a “Vegetable and Fruit Processing Center”. The business will produce dehydrated and dried fruits and vegetables, plus all kinds of fruit juices, tomato sauces, ketchup, pasta, marmalades and preservatives. While at the same time we will have machinery, equipment and “investment in dry foods”.

The beauty of the idea is that the survival center will be built as a storage facility and hence a tax deductible and business expense. It will also be the perfect place to be used as “storage facility” for all kinds of products: dried vegetables from fruits, beans, rice, corn and many other products. In reality any survival place becomes a “storage facility” in many ways, I could create a viable business and have the facilities to provide my family and your family with a survival bunker.

I conducted the research and I have created the plan. I can offer you the opportunity of a lifetime. You can have a place to save your family and a profitable business regardless of what happens. No one in the world can offer you this opportunity. Basically, you and your family become a part of a profitable business and have the perfect place to survive a cataclysm.

You will receive the business plan once you make your commitment. I am truly sorry that it cannot be shared before, and I cannot offer financing, partial payments or any kind of deferment. You will need to pay $10,000 for each person and only 50 people will be accepted. Once I have reached the limit then there is nothing that we can do.

There is no better hidden and secret place that something on plain site. Nobody has to know and no one will know the real reason and we will operate a business that will be profitable and successful and you will be profiting to the very last minute or if nothing happens then we will profit for many years to come.

The bunker will be impossible to break into. It will have proper security all the time. It will have surveillance cameras, protection and a security fence. Of course, it will have all the food that we may need and there will be no time to be bored, no way to be depressed because we will have a community.

It will have the facilities to make life as comfortable as possible and plenty of food, water and most importantly, we will be producing products much needed for humanity as the world all around suffers so many problems, specially shortage of food, of course in the worst-case scenario we will operate to the very last moment before a collapse.

You see. I always found very selfish to just hide myself and my family with some food. It makes no sense. Building a survival bunker for your family alone is not a survival plan. It is a death trap because without a community, without others to help you later, what kind of world are you going to come out to.

Waiting to be one of the “lucky people” the government has selected is another death trap. You will be a prisoner under military orders and have no saying or voice, little more than a slave of some egomaniac like Trump. No thank you.

If you decide to strike it on your own the price is staggering. How would you be able to calculate enough food and water supplies for 6 months straight. What about a much longer time?

How would you be able to afford the proper security, water filtration, electric system and ventilation. How would you be able to fix and repair any equipment if you do not have someone who knows how to fix them? I always kept coming back to the fact that I could not do it without a source of good income and renewable energy for unlimited power! Much less if we do not have enough people to support and help each other.

Then I realized that I needed to have a solid secure facility to withstand natural disasters or terrorist attacks. I needed a building that could be secured.

I have invented several ways to make the facility withstand earthquakes and I have found the location where survival can be achieved.

This place is going to be built at 2800 meters above sea level. It is located in a mountain range that has no volcanic activity underneath, it is a great location where regardless of what happens will be away from nuclear plants, it is the most ideal place to restart after survival.

I was also confronted with a sad reality; the majority of people hate to admit it. Although I am one of the most capable people you will find. I can do most anything and everything. Nevertheless, the fact is there are a lot of things that I am not good at, and I will need other people to take care of so many things and nobody can do this alone.

Security for one thing will need constant monitoring of the entire area. If we confront such crisis, people will be searching for survivors to kill and destroy and rob them of what they have. We need soldiers and people willing to defend all of us. I need a company.

Humanity may suffer all kinds of illness and disease. We will need a real doctor and enough medicines to survive and specially if a contagious disease hits the family. We will need to have a nurse, a doctor and someone who know how to cure injuries.

No matter how busy and strong we remain, we will need a psychiatrist and someone who can serve as spiritual counselor and provide guidance.

The solution is to create a community and we need to have a team of people to face one year of survival. The sad and tragic reality of the world is that a bunker and survival facility will be nothing but a dead trap for most families.

Anyone who is trying to sell you a so called “survival plan and a survival bunker” is pulling your leg. You will die trapped in a place of your own making. You need a community or otherwise you will perish.

I have invented even the best brick and construction system and it will be used in this facility. But it cannot be done without YOU. So, I need you as investor. If you do not have at least $10,000 for each member of your family I cannot help you. You cannot help me.

If you have any doubts of what is happening, then you better watch this evidence.

I have known of the events to take place since I am 13 years old. You will need to buy my book “Labyrinth of life” for that story. But what matters is that ever since. I have been thinking how to survive such cataclysm.

I have researched for years. I know more information that you probably care to know. I have invented the way that I will build and now I am ready to do so. We cannot wait anymore, we have come to the moment when we must make the decision and I know the place where it must be built. I know God, the Supreme creator will guide you to know that I am telling you the truth. God will guide you to either trust me or to dismiss me. Without that selection and without faith you will convince yourself I am lying and you simply must stop reading. Good Luck!

If you can sense the power of God and I know that your guardian angel will protect you and your family, then you will embark in the perilous journey we must face together.

I cannot tell you how much I have analyzed, every single detail for the location and regardless of what many people say. I know in my heart that the place I have chosen is the right place. I know I am asking a lot from you to trust me with the wellbeing of your family. But I can assure you that you can be sure that they will be in the same place I will have my own loved ones.

My life is meaningless to me without my loved ones. The life of my son and his future descendants means the world to me and I will not depart this earth without making sure he is safe and that is what guides my plan. If I can help you and you come along this journey, then it is Gods will.

My plan is ready and it has the most incredible security for you that you will not believe.

You see. I have planned so much that I have been able to conceive a plan that you will be protected in the best possible way and for every contingency.

Your investment will be backed completely by real estate in the United States. My house is completely paid for in the USA. I have no debt whatsoever in my house, and is worth $500,000. When you come on board you become a member of an LLC, and such LLC will have as security my house in the United States. Once we sell the house, then all that money will be used to buy “silver” and “gold” to secure even more your investment when banks collapse. So, in many ways I have minimized all the risk for you. You will trust me with your money to build a “business venture” which will also be a “survival bunker” and I have gone the extra mile and created such a professional bunker for my family and yours. The place will be stocked with everything that we will need to survive for one year. But it is what we will do afterwards that matter.

There is no better place and nowhere in the world you will be safer than in this place. I am working as fast as possible, and we plan to start by March, 2017. We need to have everything ready by June 2017. Relocation and assistance will be since July 7, 2017. By September 7 it may be too late for everyone.

All the details and plans would be shared only with those that have done the investment. It is $10,000 per PERSON. No information will be provided until you make the payment for security purposes. If you do not trust me then simply you need to move on. There is no time to waste and I do not need to convince you or anyone.

You will need to send $10,000 in a cashier’s check payable to Germanico P Vaca at 34 Lange Drive, Lovettsville VA 20180. You can also send a wire transfer.

All the documentation and paper work will take some time because the facility is outside the United States. You will receive all the details and contract. You will be able to visit and tour the site by May 31 2017. This is something that needs to be done as fast as possible and in as much secrecy as possible. So, unless you understand that it is precisely to protect the place and your wellbeing that no information is available.

If you have any doubts of who I maybe, then you can see that I do have several blogs:

I will carry out all the hard work. You can come in June to tour the facility, and you can take care of any decorative touches that you, your wife or your kids may like.

The bunker will be so unique that will have a unique anti earthquake system. Three different ways to have access to water. Three ways to have electricity, wind, solar and waste system. All the food you can imagine (we will have a factory) and incredibly we will be making a “profit” and it is located in the safest place you can have on earth.

I can’t reveal where it is. But I will tell you this. You will be receiving constant pictures to update you of the progress of the location, factory and development.

You must also learn of why we will be located in the right place.

Japan is already suffering the effects of radiation and is so volcanic that has very little chance for survival.

The Antarctic is cracking up everywhere and sea levels are rising as we speak. Great developments will be coming and new revelations will astonish the world.

New Zealand has a new continent. The changes to New Zealand are unbelievable and you can expect massive earthquakes.

Australia is breaking up in two. There is a tear of the continent and soon it will be revealed. So, anyone who had hoped that Australia will be a safe place is out of luck. Besides it has the most poisonous animals than any other place. All capable of finding the food you can store.

Europe has so many problems that Italy is between eruptions, flooding and economic catastrophe. Europe is a tiny continent and has enough nuclear plants that it will be decimated. The Euro is about to collapse and war may break between several nations.

The United States has Yellowstone, and so many nuclear plants all around the continent that will create radiation impossible to shield yourself no matter where you are. Tragically the United States will become a wasteland for many centuries to come. The whole north hemisphere will be suffering of radiation.

Africa is a massive continent and it will probably shelter many survivors. But violence and corruption will make it impossible to build anything for survival.

China and India have 1.3 billion people each, enough said. There is not enough food and water that can possible be stored to help them survive.

That leaves only South America and it is the only place where humanity survived before. A careful study of the tunnels of all South America gives us the answer.

Now, the problem is how can you do it if you are not familiar with the land, the laws, the governments. You can benefit of my research of over twenty years and simply invest in my project for a business and for a complete survival bunker that it will be as professional as any bunker out there.

My plan has considered so many things that you may not even think about it. Such as:
The site is located in a location where you can see a whole valley and as far as five miles in all directions.

The place itself has a unique name “the sacred crossing” that is what it means in the native language.
The site will have potable water, a water storage facility and a well of pure water. A drainage system capable of handling massive rains but located in a place where there could be no floods or rains to flood the facility. A ventilation system that will be able to handle breathable air and in fact protection and air filtration that may be needed if too much radiation or volcanic activity has happened.

The site will have the support of the top authorities in the area: The governor, the prefect and mayor of the city will be part of the facilities and will expedite the permits for the facility. Operation will be legal and yet with enough support to have authorities and protection from the top. Very important that we will have police, military and local protection.

Design and layout will provide living facilities that will look no different than a hotel. Only that it will be completely secret and buried underground. You will enjoy your privacy and security without concerning yourself with being responsible for food, cooking, cleaning and washing other than your own private quarters. While at the same time you will have use and access of facilities such as gym, pool and entertainment.

Living will require you to have responsibilities and you will hold jobs around the facility. Some of those jobs may be rotating in security, attending, teaching, managing, administering jobs, cooking, health assistance. Etc.

We will have mandatory classes, mandatory exercise routines, mandatory cooking chores and other chores to keep everyone active and avoid mental problems, depression and health issues.

We will have an aquaponics farm within the facility for fresh vegetables. Fresh fish and there will be chickens and Tayos. You need to read my book “Salvation in the seven caves, published in 2008.

There will be no success in an enterprise if we do not have the skills to survive. Mental preparation to deal with all the adversities will be needed. In many ways, any survival facility will need to have a self-governing community and for the protection of our facility we will run a check on your criminal background. No person with any sex offender record will be accepted, and we will ask you not to even try become a part of our community if any issues like that is in your history. I will not care for credit problems because we all have confronted economic issues at a certain point on our lives. But criminal behavior or sexual behavior can destroy any community and we will not waste time trying to deal with it.

No drug addiction also will be permitted and no cigarrete smoking. Alcohol will not exist in our facilities and none will be allowed either.

Secrecy. When the moment of disaster strikes, thieves, looters and criminals will try to access any survival place. In fact, the army, guerrillas, and criminals will try to take possession of locations where they can survive. So, you DO NOT want others to know about your survival facility! So, for the rest of the world our facility will be nothing but a small processing plant. We will create the reputation of being extremely secure with German shepherds all around the property, video camera surveillance and too inaccessible for the people. It will also be too far away from “curious people”.
So, if you want to become a part of my project: Send a $10,000 cashier’s check to

Germanico P Vaca: 34 Lange Dr. Lovettsville, VA 20180