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lunes, 6 de julio de 2015

A Call to Action

By GP Vaca

Since 2004 I have been researching the possibility to build a unique combination of a geothermal, solar and hydraulic plant. It started as a small idea to make a great contribution to the country I was born: Ecuador.
I had no idea the importance of it. I was driven by a certain force that I can’t explain. Certain visions and dreams where some revelations were given to me. While I realize some may sound absurd I believe people will rediscover these facts and in the near future all nations and humanity will have to collaborate to start projects that will help save the Earth. I will be working hard to make this a reality.

-          All the pyramids in the world were built in an exact location and in full coordination by an ancient civilization of sages to build the “firmament” a unique protection to the entire planet.

-          Antarctica is a continent that surrounds the Inner and outer hemisphere. There is no such thing as north pole and south pole, there are magnetic fields on Earth between the inner center and outer circumference of the dome above Earth.

-          There are many more continents (26 more continents) beyond the firmament. Many worlds and the so called “alien races” come from those continents.

-          Erath is governed by a council composed of those representatives of each continent and race of the outside worlds.

You may believe or not what I say. It does not matter; regardless humanity may need to build pyramids to create layers of protection around their cities. Small firmaments if you will to protect against the very harsh environment that is beginning to be felt for the collapse of the firmament around Earth.
 Recent events and discoveries have proven beyond the shadow of doubt that such structure has the potential to create a magnetic field around an area, if built exactly at this location. In fact, the field that protects the earth was probably built with the activation of the pyramids all around the Earth.

In 2007, I had submitted the plans to the governor of Imbabura, Ecuador and it was made clear to me then, that there were no guarantees for me to pursuit any further. In August 2014, I went to Ecuador to try once again. Despite talking to several authorities I was unable to get anywhere, the government had one single interest, to double the price of whatever project to approve anything. A corrupt system of payoffs, kickbacks and utter corruption, it eventually was made clear that even if I was able to raise the money to build such a plant, Ecuadorian laws allows the government to become the owner within five years.  It was pintless to try. However, it was not until July 2, 2015 that I had a vision. In such vision, I saw the following: At the very end, It was revealed to me the biggest secret on earth as to why there were so many pyramids on earth.

 1.       The solar pyramids that I have wanted to build had to be built with quartz/ crystals, because they can create a precise signal of frequencies capable of replicating the same exact frequency of the planet, creating such oscillation, magnetic forces and particle beams, that are capable to divert, move and change the patterns of meteors heading towards the earth. It will literally create a new magnetic field to protect the planet or at least a certain part of the planet even from radiation. It has to be build according to this design presented here. It must adopt and use principles and patents provided by Nicolas Tesla.

 2.       All energies must be part of such structures, those must be: Fire, Water, Earth and Wind (solar power) must be involved. It is in fact a unique place on Earth that is located on a ley line and at the core of a Fibonacci line. In fact, I had chosen the “Chachimbiro” volcano just based on my vision. There is another place where it must be built and is between Argentina and Chile. It was much later that was to learn what a unique location really is. The pyramid must be precisely under ley lines, and pretty close to the equator and at such altitude to create the electromagnetic field capable of covering a great area of Earth. It is the closest to the ionosphere, it can spread the electromagnetic field to be created equally to the entire earth. The energy of Lava, water, Earth, Crystals and Wind create a combination of all the elements capable of restoring the magnetic field, emit frequencies to restore the balance on the planet and shield the earth at the same time with the capability of shooting particle beams with frequencies of such magnitude capable of either breaking down meteors or diverting their path, with an added capability of protecting the magnetosphere and the ionosphere to protect the planet. 

 3.       It will be able to operate as a “electric generator” that could transmit electricity through the air with such power and magnitude that it can be used as a weapon, but more importantly, it can be used to save the planet from the devastating damage and effects of NIBIRU. It literally can be used as a weapon. At the same time, it will be able to shoot incoming meteors through the particle beams created for that purpose at the angles of the pyramids.

 4.       The Crystals at the center could create such power that can be transmitted wirelessly, but it is key to do it to save the earth and to help the eventual recovery of the planet. If we want to have vehicles that can operate in an efficient manner without combustible engines.  The coming of NIBIRU will cause such massive disruption of oil fields and nuclear plants that may be destroyed by hundreds of earthquakes, tectonic movements, pipelines destroyed, tsunamis. Etc. so the only way to reestablish some sense of order immediately is to have “electric power such as Tesla had proposed”. The principles to be applied should come from Tesla himself. Governments must collaborate with each other.

 5.       The entire project should be financed by governments, unfortunately, all my letters and pleads have been ignored. So, until humanity experiences more and more devastation, ever more destructive hurricanes, more solar flares that start causing skin cancer and cyclones, incredible wind speeds and such massive earthquakes people will ignore me. That was in my visions also, but all I can do is plant the seeds of thought until humanity wakes up their inner knowledge and connect with the ancient knowledge available to those who seek in the Universal tree of knowledge.  It is the survival of humanity and I fail to understand that countries just do not care. The potential of saving the planet is incredibly great and will require the best scientists for the benefit of all humanity. 

 6.       We also need the support of every nation to build the Regional plan, they should operate with Hydrogen trains and hydrogen ships. They are needed to carry all the quartz needed to build the pyramids. The regional plan can be accessed in this address (http://desarrolloeintegracion.blogspot.com/2015/04/plan-integral-de-desarrollo-parte-1.html ) Spanish version,
http://integraldevelopmentplan.blogspot.com/2015/04/comprehensive-development-plan-for.html English Version

 7.       I have twenty inventions and I will put them all for the benefit of humanity through my company. Those that invest in my company will contribute to save the world. My inventions include a new brick system, an electric car, a very fast building anti earthquake system. I do not care to become wealthy. I just want to do what is right. What is the point of wealth and riches if the whole world around you, is destroyed? Yet humans are so senseless and stupid that only when hurricanes start wiping off cities and causing massive destruction that entire countries may be poor and destitute and a matter of days due to powerful winds, tsunamies and earthquakes. What is it going to take for humanity to wake up?

 8.       My own company will operate the plant with obvious adjustments, just as I have proposed in my plan. Again, I have no interest to be the person controlling the whole thing. I was given the vision and with scientist and experts in each field we can get this done. 

9.       We have a short time to start building. Nibiru soon will be visible and then there will be seven years before the world is confronted with destruction, famine, war and humanity will be at peril. I fail to understand as to why governments are ignoring the facts all around them.  I am asking that all scientists and all contributions start working in the fastest possible way. I am asking for all your support.  Yet I know I will be ignored.

10.   I am at your service. Any help and assistance is welcome. I am willing to sell my house to start the projects.

11.   All countries that do have Pyramids, such as Mexico, Egypt, China, Russia, Peru, Ecuador, Ucrania, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador. Must "reactivate" their pyramids and apply this science so we can save the earth. They must be covered once again as they once were, with quartz to absorb negative energies that are affecting the planet, that will help stabilize the magnetic fields coming from Planet X. Unfortunately, all the disasters to come may destroy several nuclear plants. We will need protection from massive radiation that may change humanities genes and the mutation can be quite catastrophic. The pyramids if covered with quartz crystals will absorb the radiation and will clean the Earth to make it livable once again in a much faster way. For God Sakes millions of jobs can be created. humanity must be saved. 

 12. The disaster of Fukushima is spreading massive radiation affecting the entire Pacific Ocean. Alaska, Canada, Washington State, Oregon, California, Mexico and every single country along the pacific coast are being bombarded with radiation. The heat of solar flares and the approach of Nibiru will cause such massive earthquakes, tsunamis and destruction. The world needs to cover those nuclear plants with CRYSTALS. Japan needs to pay to spread several Crystals all over the Pacific Ocean to absorb the radiation. It needs to be done now. Yet I am being ignored completely.

13.   All scientist can help and contribute and assist. Housing assistance, hotel building and University cooperation will be arranged.

To start immediately I have listed the immediate needs we have: We need to move as fast as we can because time is short.

The biggest revelation I have to tell the world and it can be confirmed by scientist is that the pyramids in existence all around the world were covered in quartz and crystals because it is the only way to absorb radiation. The pyramids help restore the natural resonance of the planet to 7.83 HZ all nations must start a program to save the earth.

We need five geothermal drilling machines. (water drilling rigs) two for each site and one back up) better if they are all terrain.

We need a unique stone cutter which will be capable of building new and unique “quartz” stones, to be cut in precise, laser or plasma cutting to be able to create specific frequencies, oscillation and signals in the construction of the pyramids.

A satellite study with ground penetrating radar that will map out exactly the Chachimbiro volcano. Other three regions that can be supplied upon request.

Archimedean plants to be able to create more electric energy until we finish building the plant.

Biodiesel plants to be built along the regional plant to be able to have diesel in the best possible price with clean production. The building of the plant will require a lot of heavy machinery that use a lot of diesel which is scares in Ecuador.

Geothermal plant that could function next to the solar plant.
The explanation as to why the pyramids need to be build: Scientist will understand

The principles to do this:


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